- Cultural and Sports Work 文体工作
- We energetically developed culture and sports. 积极发展文化、体育事业。
- This Programme is formulated in order to give guidance and overall consideration to Beijing's PE and sports work during this period. 为指导和统筹发展机遇期的北京体育工作,特制定本规划。
- Today, the Wuhan City League football final match at the Hankou cultural and sports centers. 今日,武汉市足球甲级联赛最后一场比赛在汉口文化体育中心进行。
- There has been a gradual increase of exchange of visits,trade and economic cooperation as well as cultural and sports exchanges between us. 我们在人员互访、贸易和经济合作及文化体育等方面的交流日益增多。
- Yuen Long has rapidly grown into a new town after World War II, and there are numerous cultural and sports events held in the town every year. 二次大战后元朗快速发展成为新市镇,这里每年均举办多项文化及运动项目。
- There has been a gradual increase of exchange of visits, trade and economic cooperation as well as cultural and sports exchanges between us. 我们在人员互访、贸易和经济合作及文化体育等方面的交流日益增多。
- Student cultural and sports facilities, has the standard 400-meter track and field stadium and a plastic ball plastic sports field lighting. 学生文化体育设施齐全,建有400米塑胶标准田径运动场和球类塑胶灯光体育运动场。
- To join such activities is of great importance for our young people,"Jiang said at the "Dynamic Beijing" open-air cultural and sport held at Yuan-dadu Park in Beijing. 能参加这样的活动,对青少年是非常有意义的。"蒋效愚在北京元大都遗址公园开幕的"魅力北京文化奥运"夏日文化广场活动开幕式上这样说。
- Climb a flower-under competition than Shenu than sewing skills, martial arts, down cattle, cultural and sports activities such as bullfighting. 有爬花杆比赛,有比射弩、比针线手艺,有武术表演、倒牛、斗牛等文体活动。
- It is understood that the discovery of ancient Olympic venues is located in one of the Wukesong Cultural and Sports center project. 据北京考古学会会长齐心介绍,此次发掘出土的西汉彩绘陶壶色彩鲜艳,图案为几何区间妆有变形云纹。
- Xinhui Style Co., Ltd. is a predecessor of the wholesale and retail chain operations in one large-scale cultural and sports companies. 鑫辉文体有限公司前身是一家集批发与零售于一体的连锁经营的大型文体公司。
- In addition,in other areas,4 venues,including the Workers'Stadium,will be renovated or extended,offering places for cultural and sports activities for the neighboring residents. 此外,在其他地区,改扩建工人体育场等4个场馆,为相邻地区群众开展文化体育活动创造条件。
- We will protect cultural relics and build more libraries,museums,cultural centers,science and technology centers,archives and other public cultural and sports establishments. 加强图书馆、博物馆、文化馆、科技馆、档案馆等公共文化和体育设施建设,做好文物保护工作。
- This firm prints a lot of musical and sports books. 这家公司出版了大量的音乐和体育书籍。
- Govern for the People, Take People First and Sport Work 执政为民、以人为本与体育工作
- We will protect cultural relics and build more libraries, museums, cultural centers, science and technology centers, archives and other public cultural and sports establishments. 加强图书馆、博物馆、文化馆、科技馆、档案馆等公共文化和体育设施建设,做好文物保护工作。
- The board comprises nine non-official members and the Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture and Sport as an ex officio member. 该委员会是一个法定机构,由9名非官方委员及文康广播局局长(当然委员)组成。
- A new Leisure and Cultural Services Department will be set up under the Home Affairs Bureau to handle arts and culture and sports and recreation. 民政事务局辖下会成立康乐及文化事务署,处理艺术文化和康乐体育事务。