- Cultural foundational courses 文化基础课
- Computer Cultural Foundation Course 大学计算机基础
- Dendrology is one foundational course in the Specialty of Forestry. 树木学是林学专业的专业基础课。
- What we have now is perhaps just a "cosmopolitan" city with little feelings for the past and cultural foundation. 留下来的,只是一个没有乡土情感与文化根基的“国际化”都市罢了!
- Meanwhile,Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American romanticism with its own national characteristics. 同时,美国方式也为美国浪漫主义文学奠定了美国民族特有的深厚文化底蕴。
- In addition to the general MBA courses students who desire to pursue the accounting track must also complete 3 additional foundation courses. 除了一般的工商管理硕士课程的学生谁愿意追求会计轨道也必须完成3的其他基础课程。
- It is interesting that part of the cultural foundation of a society should hinge on the economic growth of another country. 说来也妙,一个社会的文化本质,竟然维系于另一个国家的经济发展。
- We don't refuse the ones whose foundation course are worse. 华一不拒绝基础差的学生。
- Paintings distinct personality, style Meaningful, the atmosphere, full of scholars demeanor reflects profound cultural foundation. 其画作个性鲜明,风格隽永、大气,富于学者风范,体现出深厚的文化底蕴。
- All the teachers for HND program both in the foundation courses and academic courses enjoy their prestige of overseas education and NWPU work experience. HND中心全体英语和专业课教师全部为西工大教学一线的中青年骨干教师,且都具有海外工作、教学进修背景;
- However,they are different in their cultural foundations,iatric bases,the origins of mental disorder,and the conceptions and ways of psychotherapy. 差异主要表现在文化根基、医学基础、心理问题的起因及治疗的理念、方法与途径等方面。
- We must offer ethical and cultural foundation for realizing social equity by weans of expanding the traditional virtue of China. 弘扬中华传统美德,为实现社会公正提供伦理文化底蕴。
- As convinced as some adoptive parents are of the rightness of giving their kids a cultural foundation, not all follow in the same path. 就像一些养父母确信让子女了解本国文化的作法是正确的一样,还有些人坚持这样做是不妥的。
- This replica of a traditional farmhouse was designed and constructed solely by volunteers of the Penkang cultural foundation. 这样一座旧式农舍,从构想到搭建,全在笨港文教基金会义工主导下完成。
- The three major cultural relics, having a long-standing history, distinctive ethnic flavor and profound cultural foundation, enjoy great fame in China and throughout the world. 三大重点文物历史悠久,民族风格独特,文化底蕴深厚,在全国乃至世界上都有非常重要的影响。
- Have solid foundation courses, with arts lessons developing students'hobbies, Olympic mathematics training students' thinking, and classes of interests foster students'abilities in order to highlight each student's individual strengths. 文化课夯实基础,艺术课发展特长,奥数课训练思维,兴趣课培养能力,突出个人竞争力。
- The formation and development of the theory of human -environmental inte r relation of tradi-tional chinese medicine had a solid i deological and cultural foundation. 中医学天人相应论的形成和发展有着深厚的思想文化基础。中国历史上丰富而深刻的天人合一思想是孕育、形成天人相应论的思想文化母体。
- In order to meet the needs of networking and intelligent management,the information platform for foundation courses experimental teaching centres in Zhengzhou University was built based on client/server(C/S) model and browser/server(B/S) model. 为了适应对基础课实验教学中心实行网络化、智能化管理的需求,构建了基于客户端/服务器(C/S)和浏览器/服务器(B/S)两种模式的“郑州大学基础课实验教学中心信息平台”。
- Lu, J. Y., History of Chinese Machines (in Chinese), Ancient Chinese Machinery Cultural Foundation (Tainan, Taiwan), Yue Yin Publishing House, Taipei, 2003. 陆敬严,中国机械史,中华古机械文教基金会(台南,台湾),越吟出版社,台北,2003年。