- Culture of Confucian School 儒家
- Quian Mu makes a claim that Confucius and Analects are the source of the academic paradigm and personality of the cultivation of Confucian school. 钱穆认为《论语》与孔子正是揭示一个完整的儒家学术原型与人格成德的典范。
- This dissertation tries to construct the Law World in the sky of Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song-Ming dynasties. 本文试图在宋明理学的天空下构筑法的世界。
- As the last founder of the Confucian school in feudal society, Zhou Taigu summarized and developed the previous political thoughts of Confucian school. 作为封建社会最后一个儒家学派的创始人,周太谷的政治思想是对以往儒学政治思想的一次总结和发展。
- After Confucius died, the ethics of Confucian school has been divided into two branches because of the argument between empiricism and apriorism. 孔子之后由儒家伦理思想分开的两大派别,就是围绕著经验与先验之争而形成。
- In Asian, affected by the thought of Confucian school, it is much common for family enterprise to exist. Panasonic in Japan, Modern in Korea, four financial groups in Thailand and Chang Jiang Industrial Group are run by family enterprise. 在亚洲,由于受儒家思想文化的影响,家族企业的存在更为明显,日本的松下、泰国的四大金融集团,香港的长江实业都是家族控制的企业。
- The concept of his"country folk"was not the one in the patriarchal clan system of enfeoffment of China with the moral principles of Confucian School,but was a kind of primitive civilization. 沈从文“乡下人”这一观念绝非是中国封建社会以儒家伦理道德规范所建构的宗法制“乡村文化”,而是一种原始文化的遗存。
- The culture of filial duty has been a prominent part of confucianist moral education. 它所塑造的“孝”文化是儒家道德教化思想史上崭新的一页。
- "The History of Confucian School" “儒林外史”
- It declare publicly enormous glamour and things culture of Confucianism is it receive and innovate to vomit each other again. 它再次昭示儒学的巨大魅力和东西文化的相互吐纳与创新。
- They could recite whole pages of Confucian thought. 他们可以背诵儒家思想的整个篇章。
- The civilization and culture of ancient Greece. 希腊文明古代希腊人的文明和文化
- On Qian mu's development of confucian thought. 论钱穆对儒家思想的弘扬。
- On the Progress of Sanctification of Classics of Confucian School 略论儒家经典神圣化的历程
- The culture of the mind is vital. 修心养性是极其重要的。
- On Ideas of Ethical Anthropology of Confucian School 论儒家的道德人类学思想
- She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries. 她研究过东方各国的文化。
- The Oneness of Confucian School and Confucian Religion 儒学儒教一体论
- Influenced the traditional culture of China. 影响了中国的文化传统。
- discourse of Confucian school of idealist philosophy 理学话语