- Cumulative Amount Paid to Date 累计支付金额
- It pays to keep up to date with your work. 工作能跟上时代是值得的。
- The contributions actually paid to date amount to more than three thousand yuan. 到现在为止,实际收到的捐款共计三千元以上。
- The amount paid to the electric company might vary from check to check, but it probably stays within 10 or 20% of the last check written to them. 支付给电气公司的每笔账目可能有变动,变动可能在上次账目的10%25~20%25之内。
- The cost of bonds purchased includes the amount paid to the seller plus other costs related to the purchase, such as broker's commission. 债券的购入成本包括支付给卖方的金额以及其他的相关成本,如经纪人佣金等。
- The cost of stocks purchases not only the amount paid to the seller but also other costs related to the purchase, such as broker' s commission and postage charges for delivery. 购买股票的成本不仅包括支付给卖方的金额,而且还包括其他相关成本,如经纪人佣金和邮寄费用等。
- The purchaser records the identifiable assets it has purchased at their fair market values, and then debits any additional amount paid to an asset account entitled Goodwill. 买家将其购买的可确认资产以公平市价记录,支付的所有剩余金额全部借记到名为商誉的资产账户。
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。
- To determine the total amount paid to all employees, use the COALESCE function to receive only the nonnull value found in hourly_wage, salary, and commission. 若要确定支付给所有雇员的金额总数,请使用COALESCE函数,它只接受在hourly_wage、salary和commission中找到的非空值。
- Water resource pricing model is to measure price of the water resource, which uses model to calculate the amount paid to the owner for right to use the water resource. 资源水价模型就是量化水资源价格的模型,它是通过模型来推算为获得水资源使用权而支付给水资源所有者的货币量。
- This type of bicycle is up to date. 这种款式的脚踏车是最新式的。
- To date, we have not received any replies. 我们至今还未接到答覆。
- Don't forget to date your cheque. 不要忘记在支票上写上日期。
- She wears clothes that are right up to date. 她穿著最时新的衣服。
- Reckon it's all right to date Margie? 你看同玛吉幽会行吗?
- The fee paid to a mint by a government. 铸币费政府支付给铸币厂的钱
- The release of a container to a carrier or amounts paid to a carrier to charter the transport of goods. 发放集装箱给一个承运人,或者支付包租货物运输的费用给承运人。
- The cumulative amount of your consumption this year is RMB 20,000. 您在这里一年中累加的消费有两万元。
- Amounts paid to partners are recorded by debiting the partner's drawing account . 支付给合伙人的款项借记合伙人提用账户。
- More material is to be included to bring the book up to date. 书中将收入更多材料,使它跟上发展。