- Customize Return Receipts 定制返回的收据
- Return receipt requested, please. 请给回执。
- This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to XX. 这是您发送给xx的邮件的"返回收据"。
- The recipient of the message does not wish to send a return receipt back to you. 消息的收件人不想给您发送返回收据。
- It provides for your standard mail needs, such as delivery confirmations, return receipts, and other bells and whistles. 它提供了标准的邮件需求,如传送确认、收到答复和其他功能。
- If you want to be sure that an important letter has been received, send it "Registered, with Return Receipt Requested". 假如你想确保一封要函让人收到,可以寄“挂号,附回收据”。
- Note this Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's machine. 注意"返回收据"只是用于确认消息已经在收件人的机器上显示过。
- Note: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's computer. 注意:这封回复函只是确认(你发送)的信息已经显示在接受者(收件人)的计算机上。
- Cashier forward slips to bank. Bank return receipt to cashier, and attach it with the AP voucher. 出纳将支付单据交给银行,收到银行退回的回单,并粘贴于凭证后.
- Your SMTP server does not support the return receipt function so your message will be sent without the return receipt request. 您SMTP服务器不支持收据返回功能,因此将发送此消息,带不发出返回收据的请求。
- All written communications between parties involved in appeal proceedings must be sent to the recipient's place of business by a delivery service which provides dated return receipts. 双方就有关申诉中提出的诉讼的所有书面交流必须用挂号邮递方式寄给收信人。
- What's a return receipt? 回执是什么?
- Detailed analysis skills of trouble shooting Internal Process and Customer Return to reduce cost of Poor Quality. 掌握有关内部流程及客户退货问题分析的详尽技巧以降低由于低品质产生的成本。
- Customer Return Rate is included as a measurable quality objective in Alcoa Shanghai's annual operating plan. 公司在每年的运作计划中把顾客退货率作为可测量的质量目标。
- No termination of this Guaranty shall be effective except by notice sent to Buyer by certified mail, return receipt requested, naming a termination date effective not less than ninety (90) days after the receipt of such notice by Buyer. 任何对本担保书作出的终止均无效,除非担保人已用挂号信的方式向买方发出通知,并须有买方的回执,通知中载明的有效的终止期间不得少于买方收到该通知后的九十天。
- When customers return damaged books, the damage often is not obvious to the clerks who unpack them. 当客户退回损坏的图书时,对于打开污损图书的包装的工作人员来说,那些损坏的图书不是很明显。
- But all the mishaps seem worth it when the customers return at the end of the day. 然而,种种小事故都在顾客一天结束返回时显得值得。
- Moreover, 70% of our customers return to place further orders: you will earn commission whether they return to us via your site or not. 而且,我们70%25的客户都会再次提交更多的订单:不管他们是否通过您的网站再次提交订单,您都将得到提成。
- We will wholeheartedly with users at home and abroad collaboration to high quality products our customers return the trust and support. 我们将竭诚与国内外用户协作,以高水平、高质量的产品回报广大客户的信赖和支持。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。