- Cydia illutana dahuricolanan. 东北小卷蛾
- For instructions on how to install an application from Cydia you can use this tutorial. 对于如何安装的申请蠢您可以使用本教程。
- There are Cydia and Installer sources available, so use whichever you are comfortable using. 有苹果蠹和安装资金来源,所以使用哪您轻松地使用。
- Thus, the blue rubber septum was the most suitable carrier of synthetic sex pheromone in the application of sex pheromone for monitoring and controling Cydia trasias. 因此,在槐小卷蛾性信息素监测与防治系统中,以蓝颜色的天然橡胶作为合成性信息素的载体最为适宜。
- Abstract: The effects of material, dispensing area and color of sex pheromone carriers on capture of Cydia trasias (Meyrick) male moth were evaluated in Zhongguancun, Beijing, in 1999. 摘 要: 通过林间诱蛾试验,研究了性信息素载体的材料、颜色以及散发面积对槐小卷蛾雄蛾诱蛾活性的影响。
- Pheromone field trapping test of Cydia strobilella in Heilongjiang Province, China 云杉球果小卷蛾性外激素的诱捕试验
- Efficiency of two types of pheromone traps in capturing adult codling moth, Cydia pomonella, and influences by ground vegetation cover plants 两种苹果蠹蛾性引诱剂诱捕器诱捕效率比较及地面植被的影响
- Cydia pomonella granulovirus 苹果蠢蛾颗粒体病毒
- Cydia pornonella 苹果蠹蛾
- Cydia pornonella (L. ) 苹果蠹蛾
- Cydia trasisa 国槐小卷蛾
- Cydia coiferanan. 松枝小卷蛾
- Cydia curvivalvan. 弯瓣小卷蛾
- Cydia dalbergiacolan. 黄檀小卷蛾
- Cydia glandicolanan. 栗黑小卷蛾
- Cydia kurokoin. 栗白小卷蛾
- Cydia maackianan. 山槐小卷蛾
- Cydia nigricanan. 豆荚小卷蛾
- Cydia pactolanan. 松皮小卷蛾
- Cydia pomonellan. 苹果小卷蛾