- Cystocele affecting pregnancy 膀胱膨出影响妊娠
- ABO isoimmunization affecting pregnancy ABO同种免疫影响妊娠
- Congenital stenosis of vagina affecting pregnancy 先天性阴道狭窄影响妊娠
- Healed pelvic floor repair affecting pregnancy 痊愈的盆底修复影响妊娠
- Contrary to some misinformation and misconceptions, herpes rarely affects pregnancy. 与许多错误信息和观念不同的是,疱疹很少会影响怀孕。
- Acquired stenosis of vagina affecting pregnancy 后天性阴道狭窄影响妊娠
- Polyp of cervix affecting pregnancy 子宫颈息肉影响妊娠
- Septate vagina affecting pregnancy 阴道纵隔影响妊娠
- Previous operation to cervix affecting pregnancy 既往子宫颈手术影响妊娠
- Previous surgery to vagina affecting pregnancy 既往阴道手术影响妊娠
- Tumor of body of uterus affecting pregnancy 子宫体肿瘤影响妊娠
- Tumor of cervix affecting pregnancy 子宫颈肿瘤影响妊娠
- Tumor of vagina affecting pregnancy 阴道肿瘤影响妊娠
- Tumor of vulva affecting pregnancy 外阴肿瘤影响妊娠
- Fibrosis of perineum affecting pregnancy 会阴的纤维变性影响妊娠
- Uterine fibroids affecting pregnancy 子宫纤维瘤影响妊娠
- Uterus bicornis affecting pregnancy 双角子宫影响妊娠
- Stricture of vagina affecting pregnancy 阴道狭窄影响妊娠
- Cicatrix of cervix affecting pregnancy 子宫颈瘢痕影响妊娠
- You are advised not to smoke during pregnancy. 怀孕期间你最好不要吸烟。