- How Does the China DBS Industry Chain Develop? 中国直播卫星的产业链应该怎样发展?
- Transmission Technological Systems of China DBS. 中国直播卫星的传输技术体制。
- I wish I can get the offer from the DBS in NUS. 我希望我能得到新加坡南洋理工大学生物科学系的录取通知书。
- Mr. Levangie has agreed to DBS... 她一直坐到有人同意帮忙为止。
- The DBs are on a separate server and they're OK. 但用户数据在另一个服务器上,很安全。
- The structure of the DBs will remain essentially the same as now. 区议会的架构基本上会维持不变。
- Problem: information became distributed among many different DBs. 新问题:信息分布到很多不同的数据库。
- What Are the Key Factors for A Successful Chinese DBS Industry? 发展卫星直播产业的关键是什么?
- Possible Choices of China DBS Source Coding Technologies. 中国直播卫星信源编码技术的可能选择。
- Any good suggestions and comments about DBS Industry? 对即将开始的卫星直播有何好的建议?
- A Ku-band antenna for receiving DBS TV signal is presented. 介绍了一种Ku波段接收直播卫星电视信号的平面型天线。
- But the mechanism of STN DBS remained to be answered. 但是关于STN DBS的作用机制尚不清楚。
- This group is for all Alumni of DBS, DGS, LSC &MCS... 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Possible China DBS Technological Systems. 中国直播星技术体制选择的利与弊。
- In October, rented safe deposit boxes at DBS Bank were accidentally destroyed. 在十月,星展银行发生误毁客?保险箱事件。
- As oil-extended comonomer, DBS and DOP was filled into rubber separately. 橡胶中分别填充了癸二酸二丁酯(DBS)和邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)。
- DBS' credit ratings are among the highest in the Asia-Pacific region. 信用评级方面;星展银行是亚太区内获最高评级的机构之一.
- Coverage: South-east Asia, Use credit card of DBS bank, United Overseas bank or Citibank. 持有新加坡的大华、新展、花旗银行所发行的借记卡才能使用,限于在东南亚地区使用。
- Currently, Deutsche Bank and DBS Securities CD-up is the company to arrange the listing. 目前,德意志银行和DBS唯高达证券正为该公司的上市做安排。
- Operator - Refers to the Cable Operator or the DBS Operator that delivers Program Services to the consumer. 经营者、台、站-指传送节目给观众的有线台或直播卫星台。