- Keywords giant magneto-impedance(GMI) effect;DC annealing;anisotropy field; 巨磁阻抗效应;直流退火;各向异性场;
- The line AB cuts the line DC at the point E. AB线和DC线在E点相交。
- DC annealing 焦耳处理
- Anneal means make harden steel soft and remove brittleness. 退火就是使淬火钢变软并消除其脆性。
- The reducing annealing furnace is adopted. 采用无氧化还原退火炉。
- Three. They are hardening, temper and anneal. 三种。它们是淬火、回火和退火。
- Three:they are hardening,temper and anneal. 三个过程:它们是淬火、回火和退火。
- I acknowledged that it might well NOT be DC or NY. 我知道那些地方不一定是纽约市或华盛顿特区。
- Three . They are hardening, temper and anneal . 三种。 它们是淬火、回火和退火。
- Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. 桔梗
- Difficulty can anneal one's best quality. 困难可以磨练出一个人最优秀的品质.
- Ligularia macrophylla(Ledeb.)DC. 大叶橐吾
- Difficulty can anneal people's best character. 困难可以磨练出一个人最优秀的品质.
- Torricellia tiliifolia(Wall.)DC. 鞘柄木
- Difficulty may anneal a person's excellent quality. 困难可以磨练出一个人最优秀的品质.
- Bupleurum marginatum Wall.ex DC. 竹叶柴胡,膜缘柴胡
- Why shall harden steel be anneal? 淬火钢为什么要退火呢?
- Smilax lanceaefolia Roxb.var.opaca A. DC. 暗色土茯苓
- Desmodium microphyllum (Thunb.) DC. 小叶三点金草
- This hear treatment of metal is called annealing . 金属的这种热处理叫退火。