- Synchronous Generator A synchronous generator is an AC generator haing a DC exciter. 同步发电机同步发动机是配有直流励磁机的同步交流发电机。
- Synchronous Generator A synchronous generator is an AC generator having a DC exciter. 同步发电机同步发动机是配有直流励磁机的同步交流发电机。
- DC exciter issued to the generator rotor coil in the rotor to become electromagnet, the magnetic field generated around. 励磁机发出的直流电送至发电机的转子线圈中,使转子成为电磁铁,周围产生磁场。
- The discussion includes the benefits and shortcomings of ac and dc excitation techniques using current and voltage. 这次讨论包括交流和直流的励磁技术好处和缺点在使用电流和电压方面。
- On the other hand, DW told DC excitedly that he may start investigating into STH's illegal activites. 另一方面东旭兴奋地告诉东哲说,可能会对申泰焕的非法行为进行调查。
- This scheme removes the errors associated with dc excitation at the expense of a more complex design. 这个配置消除相关的误差,而直流励磁要花费更复杂的设计。
- AC or dc excitation sources can be used in transducer applications; each offers advantages and disadvantages. 交流或直流励磁源可能被使用在传感器中;各自提供好处和不利。
- Since a relatively narrow bandwidth is involved, it is also likely that ac excitation also offers greater immunity to RF interference than dc excitation. 因为包含相对地狭窄的带宽,并且是可能的交流励磁为射频干涉并且提供比较伟大的安全性直流励磁。
- Analysis and eliminating of the brush spark of DC exciter 直流励磁机电刷火花分析与消除
- The downside of dc excitation includes the difficulty of separating the actual signal from unwanted dc errors due to offsets and parasitic induced thermocouple effects. 底侧的支流激励目前区分开困难,有害的直流误差信号抵消因寄生引起热电偶效应。
- The line AB cuts the line DC at the point E. AB线和DC线在E点相交。
- Semi-core Variable Inductor Based on DC Excitation Field 基于直流激磁的半铁心可调电抗器
- Then he waddles out of marriage for exciter. 然后他就到婚姻之外找刺激去了。
- DC exciter 直流励磁机
- I acknowledged that it might well NOT be DC or NY. 我知道那些地方不一定是纽约市或华盛顿特区。
- Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. 桔梗
- Ligularia macrophylla(Ledeb.)DC. 大叶橐吾
- Torricellia tiliifolia(Wall.)DC. 鞘柄木
- Bupleurum marginatum Wall.ex DC. 竹叶柴胡,膜缘柴胡
- Smilax lanceaefolia Roxb.var.opaca A. DC. 暗色土茯苓