- DHL Express Fuel Surcharge Index Table. DHL燃料附加费指标
- This page will help you to complete a DHL Express air waybill. 本页将帮助您正确填写DHL快递的运单。
- The buyer will choose the DHL express and pay for it. 急求询价单中:(翻译)买方将通过DHL快递,邮资买方支付
- Roll your maps, plans and blueprints and insert them into a DHL Express Tube or equivalent. 将您的地图、平面图或设计图卷起来,放入三角形的DHL包装筒或类似筒状包装中。
- Wrap your prints in thin paper and insert them in a DHL Express Envelope or similar envelope. 用薄纸将您的照片包裹起来,放入DHL快递信封或类似信封中交运。
- DHL Express is the perfect partner for all your worldwide express and parcel needs. DHL快递是满足您全球快递和包裹需求的最佳合作伙伴。
- Mr. Po-yang Chung is currently Chairman Emeritus of DHL Express (Hong Kong) Limited and a Co-founder of DHL International (Asia Pacific). 钟普洋是DHL国际亚太区创办人,现为DHL香港的荣休主席。
- DHL Express On-line Tracking allows you to track a shipment using the shipper's reference number that you selected to include on your DHL Express Airwaybill. 使用DHL网上货物追踪服务时,如您已选择把付货人的参考编号列明在空运提单上,您便可以利用该编号来追踪货件。
- The samples can send to you via DHL express no later than next Mon.At that time I will provide the tracking no to you for checking.And also you will receive them no later than Next Thur.Hope it is OK. "样品会委托DHL快递公司不迟于下周一寄出.;样品寄出前
- No words can express the grandeur of that parade. 阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言表达的。
- It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。
- I can express myself in good English. 我可以用很好的英语来表达自己的观点。
- The express train is an hour faster than the local. 快车比慢车快一小时。
- It's an express train for Stockholm. 这是一趟开往斯德哥尔摩的快车。
- Try to find your own way to express the idea. 尽量用你自己的语言来表达这个意见。
- I can't express how grateful I am. 我说不出我有多么感激。
- I don't know if I express myself clearly. 我不知道我说清楚没有。
- It's the through express No.163 for Chengdu. 这是去成都的163次直快。
- She is the express image of her mother. 她和她母亲长得一模一样。