- DOD Item Entry Control 国防部项目登记控制
- Defense Item Entry Control Program 国防项目登记控制计划
- Department of Defense Item Entry Control Office 国防项目登记管理处
- Defense Item Entry Control Office 国防项目登记控制办公室
- Defense Item Entry Control 国防项目登记控制
- Item Entry Control 项目登记控制
- Creates a single-line text entry control. 创建一个单行的文本输入控件。
- With an unbounded entry control, it is easy for users to enter invalid values. 在使用无界输入控件时,用户很容易会输入无效值。
- The primary unbounded entry control is the text edit control. This simple control allows users to key in any alphanumeric text value. 文本编辑控件是最主要的无界输入控件,这种简单的控件允许用户输入任何文本值,包括文字与数字。
- In all these roles, they are frequently called upon to do the work of a bounded entry control. 在这些角色中,它们常用来完成有界输入控件的工作。
- It is important to understand that we mean a quality of the entry control and not of the data. 我们指的是输入控件的质量,而不是数据本身,理解这一点非常重要。
- Conversely, a simple text field can accept any alphanumeric data a user keys into it. This open-ended entry idiom is an example of an unbounded entry control. 相反,一个简单的文本字段可以接收用户输入的任何数据,包括文字与数字的,这种无界输入习惯用法是无界输入控件的例子。
- A text-only entry control, for example, may accept only alphabetic characters and refuse to allow numbers to be entered. 例如,一个纯文本输入控件可能只接收字母字符,而拒绝数字输入。
- The concerned departments of the state have promulgated special regulations with regard to exit and entry control and the management of land and sea ports. 国家有关部门对出入境检查、口岸管理等工作颁布了专项的规章。
- Anyone know how to reprogram the keyless entry controller on a 98' JETTA? 任何知道如何重新编制的遥控开锁控制在98'捷达?
- Because a combo box contains an edit field, some combo box variants qualify as entry controls, too. 因为组合框包含一个编辑字段,所以一些组合框的变体也能作为输入控件。
- Please verify each item you have pricked down. 请把你已用小记号标出的每一个项目核对一下。
- It is thus impossible for users to enter an invalid value with bounded entry controls. 因此对于用户来说,他们在使用有界输入控件时不可能输入一个无效的值。
- Now we'll get on to the next item on the agenda. 现在我们来讨论下一项议程。
- Do you know if they like this new item? 你知道他们是否喜欢这个新品种?