- The irradiated enemy and his close allies sustain damage over time. 敌人及其附近盟友将逐渐受到伤害。
- Moonfire - Now causes Nature damage instead of Arcane damage; initial damage decreased and damage over time increased. 月火:现在造成自然伤害而不是奥术伤害,初始伤害减少持续伤害增加。
- Surrounds you with spinning blades that deal damage over time to all opponents nearby. 在自己周围召唤剑刃屏障,给靠近的敌人造成持续伤害。
- Burning Embers: Red-hot embers swirl around the target, causing damage over time. 燃烧之烬:红热的火焰裹住目标,形成持续的伤害。
- DD - Direct Damage. This is a spell that does all of its damage in one hit rather than spreading its damage over time. 直接伤害魔法;比如火冲什么的.
- Your damage over time spells also cause the target to take an additional 1% spell damage. 你的持续伤害法术将使你的目标受到1%25额外法术伤害。
- A quick attack to all enemies in range of your weapon that causes damage over time. 对武器攻击范围内所有敌人进行快速打击,随持续时间造成伤害。
- Effect:This spell summons a shield of blades that emanate from you, dealing damage over time to all opponents nearby. 召唤刀盾包围自己,在一段时间内对周围的对手造成伤害。
- It has its own cooldown, missile, damage and damage over time and is automatically cast on every enemy in range. 它有自己的冷却时间,自己的箭矢图像,伤害及持续伤害,并且它是自动对范围内的每一个敌人施放的。
- Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. 一级-造成50点的初始伤害,10点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。二级-造成70点的初始伤害,20点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。
- Socketing ideas : Shael is a obvious choice, as more speed equals more damage over time. 宙斯为了纪念这个壮举,把九头蛇和螃蟹都化为了星座,就是现在的巨蟹座和长蛇座。
- Aegis of Blades II Effect: This spell summons a shield of blades that emanate from you, dealing damage over time to all opponents nearby. 召唤刀盾包围自己,在一段时间内对周围的对手造成伤害。
- Void rays can be a good Protoss counter for battlecruiser, with focused fire and increasing damage over time on its attack. 我的问题是:如果对方要对付人族大舰,效果会怎么样?
- An emplaced artillery piece, the Miasma is named after its munition, the Miasma Shell, which does incredible damage over time. 一种固定炮装置;毒气炮是根据他的弹药:毒气炮弹而命名的.;该炮弹可以在短时间内造成极大的伤害
- Unholy focuses on increasing a Death Knight’s damage over time disease effects, as well as providing some Area of Effect abilities. 邪恶的重点是增加了死亡骑士的损害随着时间的推移疾病的影响,以及提供一些地区的影响的能力。
- Napalm Grenade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. 该技能的伤害将会少量增加并并存于其他持续伤害技能的伤害。
- Damage over time spells (Corruption, CoA) output for Destruction and Demonlogy are working as intended. For Affliction we did add Pandemic which makes them scale better. 周期性伤害对于恶魔和毁灭就是那样子了。对于痛苦我们已经增加了传染让他们的伤害提高了。
- The damage and duration of autocannons have been increased by about 50% for most sizes. This maintains the same damage over time but makes each ammo more valuable. 自动加农炮的伤害提升50%25,射速减小50%25,平均伤害不变(其实我觉得是被削弱了,爆击和命中率的问题没有考虑)
- Glyph of Succubus - Your Succubus's Seduction ability also removes all damage over time effects from the target. (Old - Increases the duration of your Succubus's Seduction by 3 sec. 魅魔雕文:你的魅魔的诱惑法术会同时从目标身上移除所有的持续伤害效果。(原效果:提升你的魅魔的诱惑法术的持续时间3秒。
- A small magic based damage over time spell 低级的持续伤害魔法