- Daily Tasking order 每日任务序列
- Responsible for QC lab daily task arrangement. 负责质量控制试验室日常的工作安排.
- Write out a daily task list and plan your day. 写一张当天的任务列表,为当天的工作做好计划。
- You Shall not minish aught from your bricks of daily task. 你们每天作砖的工作一点不可减少。
- Ye Shall not minish aught from your bricks of daily task. 你们每天作砖的工作一点不可减少。
- This task order supports the reengineering of NAVSEA IT corporate systems. 该任务定单支持NAVSEA IT法人系统的业务流程再设计。
- Note: Only the completion of the relevant task order by returning to key on the sea, or else. 注意:只有完成每关的任务,才能按上键回到海面上,否则。
- The performance-based task order was awarded under the NAVSEA Seaport Enhanced contract. 基于性能的任务定单在NAVSEA港口增强合同之下被授予。
- The Daily Task List appears only in the Day and Week views in your Outlook Calendar. 日常任务列表仅出现在Outlook日历中的天视图和周视图中。
- Then, when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace, for God is always awake. 所以当你艰难地做完了一切工作后,安心睡吧,因为上帝永远醒着。
- To toggle the Daily Task List on or off, in Calendar, click View, point to Daily Task List, and then click Normal or Off. 要打开或关闭日常任务列表,请在日历中单击“视图”,指向“日常任务列表”,然后单击“正常”或“关闭”。
- Under the task order, SAIC will provide command, control, communications, and computer information support for the entire U.S.Central Command organization. 根据该任务定单,SAIC将为整个美国中央司令部组织提供指挥、控制、通信和计算机信息支持。
- Turning off your alarm clock and immediately going back to sleep; risking not waking up for a job, class, or other daily task. 冒着工作迟到的风险关掉闹钟睡回笼觉。
- I was one among many women busy with the obscure daily tasks of the household. 我是妇女中为平庸的日常家务而忙碌的一个。
- Keep the general goal in sight while taking hold of the daily tasks. 大处着眼,小处着手。
- Breeding new foals is one of your daily tasks as well as grooming and feeding. 训练您的马儿,带着它们一起参加国内外的各种马术锦标赛,力拔头筹!
- The task order was competitively awarded under the General Services Administration’s Millennia Governmentwide Acquisition Contract through the GSA Federal Systems Integration and Management Center. 该任务定单是在总务管理局的“千年政府级采办合同”之下,由总务管理局的联邦系统综合和管理中心通过竞争授予的。
- And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in evil case, after it was said, Ye shall not minish ought from your bricks of your daily task. 19以色列人的官长听说,你们每天作砖的工作一点不可减少,就知道是遭遇祸患了。
- Information Operations Tasking Order 信息作战任务分配指令
- And the taskmasters hasted them, saying, Fulfil your works, your daily tasks, as when there was straw. 督工的催着说,你们一天当完一天的工,与先前有草一样。