- Dairy Improvement Association 乳牛改良协会
- K-BioGreen is certified by OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Association) in USA. 康绿宝荣获美国有机庄稼促进协会OCIA的验证。
- Last year the Organic Crop Improvement Association in Lincoln, Neb., certified that some Chinese bamboo, including that used by Hebei Jigao, meets the U. 去年,伦敦的“有机作物促进委员会”认证了一些中国的竹加工企业,证明这些企业符合美国农业部有关有机物的相关标准。
- China Enterprise culture Improvement Association 中国企业文化促进会
- Beef Cattle Improvement Association 嗜碱细胞趋化因子
- National Water Supply Improvement Association 全国供水改进协会
- International Crop Improvement Association ICIA
- International Crop Improvement Association(ICIA) 国际作物改良协会
- The place is known for its dairy produce. 这地方因生产乳品而出名。
- Milk, butter and cheese are brought in here from dairy farms. 牛奶、奶油、奶酪从牛奶场运到这里。
- One of a breed of small, black dairy cattle of Irish origin. 克立牛一种产于爱尔兰的黑色小乳牛
- The business of owning and operating a dairy or a dairy farm. 乳品业拥有和经营乳品公司或乳牛场的商业
- There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 你的书法需要改进。
- I benefited a lot from my association with him. 我与他交往获益良多。
- The association is under the auspices of Word Bank. 这个组织是在世界银行的赞助下办的。
- There's been an overall improvement recently. 近来各方面都有所改进。
- Milk, butter, and cheese are shipped here from the dairy farms. 牛奶、黄油和奶酪都是各个制酪场运到这里来的。
- We all hope for an improvement in the weather. 我们都希望天气好转。
- His association with the gang brought him into disrepute. 他同这个帮派的联系使他名誉扫地。
- His health is showing signs of improvement. 他的健康状况显出好转的迹象。