- Danhong Zhusheye 丹红注射液
- Conclusion Turbidimetric-kinetic method is feasible,it can be used as an alternative method for the rabbit pyrogen test to Danhong injection. 结论使用细菌内毒素动态浊度法定量检测丹红注射液中的污染内毒素是可行的,可用细菌内毒素定量检测代替家兔热原检查法。
- Objective To observe efficacy of liver cysts diseases with percutaneous liver puncture intracapsular injection of Xiao zhiling zhusheye. 目的观察经波穿刺囊内注射消痔灵治疗肝囊肿的疗效。
- METHODS:30 patients(trial group) were assigned to receive Danhong injection,while 26(control group) to receive Ligustrazine injection. 方法:治疗组30例,用丹红注射液治疗;对照组26例,用川芎嗪注射液治疗。
- complex prescription Danshen Zhusheye 复方丹参注射液
- Protective Effect of Dan Shen Zhusheye on the Ischemia Myocardium 丹参对缺血心肌的保护作用
- Keywords Shenmai Zhusheye;vitamine C;congestive cardio myopathy [; 关键词参麦注射液;维生素C;充血性心肌病;
- Study of Quantitative Test of Bacterial Endotoxin by Turbidimetric- kinetic Method in Danhong Injection 动态浊度法定量检测丹红注射液中细菌内毒素的研究
- Keywords Danhong injection;Bacterial endotoxin;Turbidimetric-kinetic method;Interference test; 丹红注射液;细菌内毒素;动态浊度法;干扰试验;
- Dyspnea occurring as a consequence of Yuxingcao Zhusheye by intravenous drip: 4 case reports 鱼腥草注射液静滴致呼吸困难4例
- Author Wang Danhong;Ai Huisheng;Qiao Jianhui;et al. Department of Hematology;307 Hospital of PLA;Beijing 100071;China; 作者王丹红;艾辉胜;乔建辉;余长林;郭梅;孙琪云;张石;张锡刚;牛文凯;李光;葛飞娇;
- Keywords Lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion;Electroacupuncture;Acupoint-injection;Danshen Zhusheye;The clinic study; 腰椎间盘突出症;电针;穴位注射;丹参注射液;临床研究;
- Keywords Compound Danhong Pills;Salvia miltiorrhiza;Carthamus tinctorius;Salvianolic Acid B;Hydroxysafflor Yellow A; 复方丹红滴丸;丹参;红花;丹酚酸B;羟基红花黄素A;
- Author Liu Danhong Guan Yuhui Wang Shucheng (Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Liaoning;Shenyang110005); 作者刘丹红;关玉辉;王树诚;
- Keywords Shuanghuanglian Zhusheye;hydrogen ion concentration;amikacin;gentamicin;cefazolin;drug incompatibility [; 双黄连注射液;氢离子浓度;阿米卡星;庆大霉素;头孢唑林;药物配伍禁忌;
- Keywords Salvia miltiorrhiza;Carthamus tinctorius;Danhong injectable powder;Fingerprint chromatogram;Quality Assessment; 丹参;红花;注射用丹红(粉针剂);色谱指纹图谱;质量评价方法;
- The Applied Research of the Wet Packing by the Xiangdan Zhusheye and the Zijinding to Treat with the Magnesium Sulfate in the Medicine's Infusion Leakage 香丹紫金锭联合硫酸镁湿敷治疗药物输注渗漏的应用研究
- 38 Case of complex prescription Danshen Zhusheye and Decoction for Clearing Away Gallbladder Heat add medicine to heal chronic renal failure and curative effect observation 复方丹参注射液合温胆汤加味治疗慢性肾功能衰竭38例疗效观察
- Zhang Shaozhi Zhu Faming Wu Danhong Fan Juli Zhou Xinli Chen Guangming Yan Lixing Cryobiology Laboratory;Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics;Zhejiang University; 浙江大学制冷与低温研究所低温生物实验室;
- injection for Danhong 注射用丹红