- An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident. 救护车风驰电掣赶往事故现场。
- Our hopes were dashed to the ground. 我们的希望都成了泡影。
- The boat was dashed to pieces on the rocks. 那条小船撞在岩石上而成碎片。
- The sea runs high, and the boat may be dashed to pieces on the rocks. 海浪汹涌,小船可能会摔到礁石上撞得粉碎。
- The locomotive was dashed to pieces. 机车撞得粉碎。
- The song dashed to the Billboard Top Single. 李的声音也许是你从未聆听过的美妙,该歌直奔“公告牌”单曲排行榜的榜首。
- The carriage was dashed to pieces. 这马车被撞得粉碎。
- Added fade out transitions for transitions from dash to video playback. 系统菜单播放视频时增加淡入淡出的过渡效果。
- He dashed to catch the last train. 他急奔去赶搭最後一班火车。
- He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。
- The car fell over the cliff and was dashed to pieces. 汽车从悬崖边上掉下去,摔得粉碎。
- Running ranges in length from the indoor 50 meter dash to the outdoor marathon,which is 42km,195m long. 跑步项目从室内的50米到室外的马拉松(42公里另195米)不等。
- Running ranges in length from the indoor 50-meter dash to the outdoor marathon,which is 42km,195m long. 跑步项目从室内的50米到室外的马拉松(42公里另195米)不等
- She's such a film nut that when a new movie comes out, she would dash to see it. 她是个电影迷,以至于每当新电影出来的时候,他都要先睹为快。
- He dashed to smash the fashionable ashtray with cash. 他猛冲过去用现金砸那个过时的烟灰盘。
- He sat in front of the T.V. All morning and then right before we had to leave, he made a last minute dash to get ready. 他整个早上都坐在电视机前,就在我们要离开前,他才匆忙地准备。
- One in course of dash to the horse, company and your position being symbolizing you may feel higher, as rising more! 一匹正在飞奔的马,象征着你的公司和你的职位会越升越高!
- Running ranges in length from the indoor 50 meter dash to the outdoor marathon,which is 42km,195m long. 跑步项目从室内的50米到室外的马拉松(42公里另195米)不等。
- It makes use of lattice modules or pixel units composed by Light Back Dash to buildup a display screen. 它利用发光二极管构成的点阵模块或像素单元组成在面积显示屏幕,
- Interior changes include a redesigned center console and dash to make the car have a more "cockpit feeling. 内部的变化包括重新设计的中控台和仪表板,使汽车具有更多的“驾驶舱的感觉。”