- At last, the data access technology such as ADO, OLE DB, ODBC and DAO is compared and ADO is selected to access the database. 最后,对ADO、OLE DB、摘要oDBc、DAO等各种数据库访问技术进行综合比较,并结合机场实际情况,采用ADO方式实现对数据库的访问,并对数据访问代码进行分析。
- Magnanimous Data Accessing Technology in Web Application Web应用中的海量数据访问缓存技术
- Data Accessing Technology based on View and Its Application 基于视图的数据访问技术及其应用
- SDO is not motivated by a need to replace lower-level data access technologies (see Relationship to Other Technologies below). SDO并不是为了取代底层的数据访问技术(请参考后面的SDO与其它技术的关系)。
- Data accessing technology 数据访问技术
- A Microsoft technology that provides data access to any kind of data store. 微软开发的用于提供数据访问连接的技术。
- Analysis and Choice of Data Access Technologies in on-line Search System 网上查询系统的数据库访问技术分析与选择
- Why are my Data Access components not showing? 为什么我的数据敏感控件没有显示?
- Represents the default data access method. 表示默认数据访问方法。
- Has no system data access or user data access. 没有系统数据访问或用户数据访问。
- Advanced Data Access with Microsoft? Visual Studio? 高级数据存取开发?
- Several Access Technology Solutions to Broadband Access Networks? 宽带接入网往何处去?
- As a banded control on a data access page). 作为数据访问页上的绑定控件)。
- NET is a new database access technology in Microsoft Net platform. NET是微软.;NET平台中的一种新的数据库访问技术;采用ADO
- What Is the MFC Data Access Programming Model? 什么是MFC数据库访问编程模型?
- A cache is typically used for quick data access. 缓存通常用于快速数据访问。
- Cumbersome data access and poor integration. 笨拙的数据访问和糟糕的集成。
- Method. Bitmap data access with the. 方法访问位图数据。
- Now you are ready to mail the data access page. 现在,准备发送数据访问页。
- General data access engine as an extension of ADO. 这是个通用数据访问引擎,是对ADO.