- I tried to fix the date in my mind. 我试着把那个日期牢记在心。
- The cup final is an important date in the sporting calendar. 世界杯足球总决赛在运动日程表中是个重要日子。
- Is the amino acid in honey acidity? 蜂蜜中的氨基酸是酸性的吗?
- It is better to be preserved in vinegar than to rot in honey. 与其纵人世之欲而丧失身体与灵魂,不如受人世之苦而使心灵得以得救。
- She had misread a date in the Tour Book. 她看错了《旅游手册》上的一个日期。
- Quote the date in the next paragraph. 在下段的日期上标上引号。
- When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. 射出真理的箭,先在蜜里蘸。
- Using refined giantarum starch as clarifier in Honey wine. 用魔芋精粉作为蜂蜜酒的澄清剂,其作用明显优于其他的澄清剂。
- You're nothing if not up to date in this office. 你们办公室的设备很现代化。
- Do not include the date in the log file name. 不要将日期包括在日志文件名称中。
- It was his first date in two years. 这是他两年来第一次约会。
- Include the current date in the log file name. 将当前日期包括在日志文件名称中。
- We are nothing if not up to date in the office. 在我们办公室里,一切都是很新式的。
- They went out for date in spite of the rain. 尽管下着雨,他们还是出去约会了。
- Invalid Expire Date in Trigger or Package. 触发器或包中的无效过期日期。
- You type a valid Hungarian format date in a field. 您键入有效匈牙利格式日期字段中。
- Young people date in several ways. 年轻人有几种约会方式。
- She specializes in honey bees; This plumber specialized in jacuzzis. 她专门研究蜜蜂;这个管道工人专门研究浴缸。
- Reenter a valid date in the format {0}. 以格式{0}输入一个有效的日期。
- They had their first date in that small tea house.. 他们第一次约会的地点就是这个小茶吧。