- Davallia denticulatan. 假脉骨碎补
- Either of two ferns of the genus Davallia having a soft gray hairy rootstock. 根茎拥有柔软灰色茸毛的骨碎补蕨科植物。
- Histology of the gills of the Caridina denticulata has been studied under light microscope. 鳃是锯齿米虾的呼吸器官,共七对,为叶鳃。
- J.Sm Drynaria propinqua Wall.Ex Mett.Bedd Pseudodrynaria coronans Wall.Ching Davallia divaricata Hay Humata griffithiana Hook.C. 骨碎补 槲蕨 光叶槲蕨 崖姜 大叶骨碎补 杯状盖骨碎补 海州骨碎补 鑑别 Gusuibu Drynaria fortunei kze.
- The key factors influencing the adult and sub-adult ratio were P. bifurca, P. chinensisand I. denticulata, the subsidiary factors were B. ischaemum and C. squarrosa. 影响成亚比的关键因素是二裂委陵菜、委陵菜和苦荬菜,次要因子是白羊草和糙隐子草。
- Potentilla bifurca and P. chinensiswere key factors to influence the sub-adult,Ixeris denticulata,Cleistogenes squarrosa and Bothriochloa ischaemum were subsidiary factors. 二裂委陵菜和委陵菜是影响亚成体组的关键因子,苦荬菜、糙隐子草和白羊草是次要因子。
- Davallia orientalis C.Chr. 大叶骨碎补
- Lactuca denticulata Maxim. [医] 苦ǒ菜
- a hare's-foot fern of the genus Davallia. 骨碎补属的一种兔脚蕨。
- Neocaridinadenticulata denticulatan. 锯齿新米虾指名亚种
- Primula denticulata ssp. denticulata 滇北球花报春
- Primula denticulata ssp. sinodenticulata 滇北球花报春
- any fern of the genus Davallia; having scaly creeping rhizomes. 骨碎补属植物;拥有鱼鳞状匍匐根茎。
- Chaetoceros denticulata var. angustan. 齿角毛藻狭面变种
- Neocaridina denticulata sinensis 中华锯齿米虾
- Advance on the Chemical and Bioactive Studies on Plants of Davallia Genus 骨碎补属植物化学成分及生物活性研究进展
- Analysis of fatty acids content in the stems and leaves of the Sonchus brachyotus DC., Sonchus oleraceus L. And Ixeris denticulata Stebb 苣荬菜、苦苣菜和苦荬菜茎叶中脂肪酸含量分析
- Davallia amabilisn. 云桂骨碎补
- Davallia sinensisn. 中国骨碎补
- Davallia solidan. 阔叶骨碎补