- Death Row Cases 死囚案例
- Though thwarted in that case, Mr Rosenthal got 36 people sent to death row. 虽然在此案受阻,但是罗森索先生迄今已经使36个人被判处死刑。
- I think it is inhumane to fry inmates on death row. 我认为对犯人电刑死刑不人道。
- This convicted killer has been on death row for 5 years. 这位被判决死刑的杀人犯住在死囚牢房已5年了。
- On death row, General Krantz is led to the electric chair. 在死刑房,“将军”被准备执行电刑。
- At least 79 child offenders are now on death row in Iran. 在伊朗现在至少有79位少年违法者列于死亡名单上。
- At least 75 child offenders are currently on death row in Iran. 另外至少有75位年少的罪犯现在正在伊朗的死刑名单上。
- Spiker is only a year old, but he's already done time on death row. 斯派克是一只只有一岁大的小狗,但由于被主人抛弃,无人照看而濒临死亡的边缘。
- Inmates on death row will be put to death in the near future. 死囚名单上的犯人将在近期被处死。
- A source said that 1,600 death row prisoners were transferred in 1995 to a special unit for such experiments. 消息人士称有1600名死囚在1995年被转移到一个特殊地点进行这种实验。
- The Bishop is firm; if an inmate on death row asks for help, the Bishop will intervene. 但是主教表示,只要任何死囚向他求助,他绝对不会放手不管。
- But since 1973, 122 prisoners have been freed from death row, mostly due to the increasing use of DNA evidence. 但从1973起止,已有122名囚犯从等待执行死刑的队伍中获释,大部分是因为越来越多的DNA证据被应用。
- Three Muslim militants are also on death row for their roles in the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings. 穆斯林武装分子同样也在死囚犯的名单上,他们是因为参与了2002年巴里岛夜总会爆炸案。
- The Green Mile. Stephen King. The eerie struggle of death row inmates as they fact the electric chair. 令人毛骨悚然的死亡侵入囚犯中间,令他们仿佛面对电椅一般。
- Mumia Abu-Jamal, the singer, who is on death row for the slaying of a Philadelphia police officer. 因为歌手阿布杰摩因刺杀费城一名警察已被判处死刑。
- Even on death row, prisoners are subject to abusive conditions, such as being shackled 24 hours a day. 即使等待处决的犯人也会遭到虐待,比如24小时戴手铐脚镣。
- Place dormitories and cellblocks, mess halls and gymnasiums, but don't expect to be able to build death row right away. 地方宿舍牢房,餐厅礼堂和体育馆,但不要期望能建立死牢马上。
- He is now currently in a death row basement jail in the capital city Pyongyang . 现在,他在首都平壤的一所死亡之地地下室监牢中。
- A death row inmate set for execution next week for the rape and murder of a young woman has chosen to die in the electric chair. 一名死囚犯人因为奸杀一年轻女子,下周将被执行死刑,他选择用电椅来结束自己的生命。
- An installation of the Chilean artist Ivan Navarro titled "Death row" is displayed Venice on June 3, 2009 at the Venice Art Biennale. 安装智利艺术家伊万纳瓦罗名为“死行”显示威尼斯2009年6月3日在威尼斯艺术双年展。