- Debs, Eugene Victor 德布兹
- Eugene Victor Debs 德布兹(1855-1926),美国人,劳工组织者。
- Salvatore Nick. Eugene Debs: Citizen and Socialist. 1982. 《尤金德布斯:公民和社会主义者》1982.
- Prepare diskettes for use on the Victor computer. 为在胜利牌电脑上的应用准备了磁盘。
- It remains to be see who will be the victor in the contest. 谁将在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧。
- Eugene and his family were rooted out from its native district and sent abroad. 尤金和他一家人被迫离开家乡,并被遣送出国。
- It remains to be seen who will be the victor in the contest. 谁将在这场比赛中获胜还得等着瞧。
- As the American socialist Eugene Debs put it: ”[People] do not shrink from work, but from slavery. 靠理想建立的公有制社会并不能消除人类消极因素的滋长乃至泛滥。
- Inside of us,we both know you belong with Victor. 我们俩心里都明白,你应该属于维克托。
- Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926), founder of the American Railway Union and Socialist Party candidate for U. S. president five times between 1900-1920. K尤金 - 维克多 - 德布斯(1855-1926),美国铁路工会的创始人,在1900至1920年间五次作为社会党候选人参加总统选举。
- Prepare diskette for use on the victor computer. 为在胜利牌电脑上的应用准备了磁盘。
- The victor marched off in triumph. 胜利者得意而归。
- The writer's deb ut novel was an instant Success. 这位作家的首部长篇小说很快就获得了巨大的成功。
- Eugene found Dixieland almost deserted. 尤金发现南国宾馆几乎门可罗雀。
- They knitted up the deb ate briefly. 他们匆匆结束了辩论。
- That first spring, Deb noticed the crocuses. 搬进新家的第一年春天,黛比注意到院子的番红花。
- Eugene is more of the intellectual type. 尤金比较像是知识分子型的。
- Victor knows a lot but talks a little. 维克托懂得多,说得少。
- Eugene got back his heart again. 尤金恢复了自己的信心。
- Victor: Yeah, we need a third person. 是啊;我们正缺一位"第三者".