- Excerpt from a talk with Susumu Nikaido, Vice-President of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. (这是邓小平同志会见日本自由民主党副总裁二阶堂进时谈话的一部分。)
- But the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), which controls the upper house of parliament, rejected them. 但是控制着国会上院的反对党民主党否决了这一提议。
- Opinion polls predict a victory for the more centralist Democratic Party of Japan. 据民意调查的结果预计,更崇尚集权主义的日本民主党将会获得此次大选的胜利。
- But in elections on August 30th the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) trounced the LDP. 然而随着日本社会民主党(社民党)在8月30日的大选中击败自民党,情况将会出现变化。
- Excerpt from a talk with Susumu Nikaido, Vice-President of the/" target="_blank">the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. (这是邓小平同志会见日本自由民主党副总裁二阶堂进时谈话的一部分。)
- THE best thing about the new campaign manifesto of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) is not what it says but that it exists at all. 民主党(DPJ)新竞选宣言的妙处并不在于其内容,而在于它确确实实作出了承诺。
- The dollar weakened against the euro and yen, which rose after a historic electoral victory by the upstart Democratic Party of Japan. 美元兑欧元和日圆下跌。日本民主党在选举中取得历史性胜利,带动日圆走强。
- The 500-strong delegation of the Democratic Party of Japan led by Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa begins its visit to China today. 问:以干事长小泽一郎为团长的日本民主党代表团今天开始访问中国,该团规模较大,共500多人。
- Japan's election was won by the Democratic Party of Japan, ending almost half a century of uninterrupted rule by the Liberal Democratic Party. 日本大选以日本民主党的获胜而告终,结束了几乎长达半个世纪自由民主党不中断地垄断政坛的局面。
- TO BREAK the lock of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on power, the main opposition, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), made a pact with the devil. 为了破除自民党的权利封锁,日本最大的反对党民主党不惜“与魔交易”。
- His Democratic Party of Japan won a landslide victory on Sunday, ending more than half a century of almost unbroken rule for the Liberal Democratic Party. 周日,鸠山由纪夫所在的日本民主党以绝对优势取得了胜利,结束了自民党长达近半个世纪的执政历程。
- A pity then that the party that looks likely to win the most seats in the lower house, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), looks so callow and ill-prepared to take over. 遗憾的是,有望赢得下议院多数席位的日本民主党显得没有足够的经验和准备来接任。
- The answer is the “shadow shogun”, Ichiro Ozawa, a master manipulator who secured an historic victory for the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in August elections. 他是确保日本民主党在八月份选举中取得历史性胜利的主要幕后操纵者。
- "He won't understand the real concerns of people by going to such places," said Susumu Yanase, a lawmaker from Japan's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan. 而这位以爱抽雪茄和爱穿高级剪裁西装而著称的首相先生则反驳说,如果去便宜的地方,会给安保带来不少麻烦。
- The importance of the relationship with America has spawned puzzlement and even suspicion about how Mr Hatoyama's Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) will conduct foreign policy. 与美国关系的重要性,使得人们对于鸠山领导下的民主党将如何实施外交政策这一点产生了困惑、甚至是怀疑。
- In the August 30th election the LDP lost 181 seats, accumulating a paltry tally of 119 compared with 300 held by Mr Hatoyama's Democratic Party of Japan. 在8月30号的大选中,自民党失去了181个席位,与自民党总共获得不到119个席位相比,鸠山由纪夫领导的共和党则获得了300个席位。
- Yukio Hatoyama, the 62-year-old president of the Democratic Party of Japan, is expected to be formally installed Wednesday as prime minister when the new parliament convenes. 他现在的首要挑战是,消除党内以及与合作伙伴之间的意见分歧,以便能实现他竞选时的承诺,这些承诺帮助日本民主党以压倒性优势赢得大选。
- On sundaySunday, voters gave his Democratic Party of Japan a landslide victory, spurning the Liberal Democratic Party which had dominated the country for more than half a century. 星期日,选民抛弃了统治日本长达半个世纪的自民党,帮助日本民主党获得了压倒性的胜利。
- But two years later the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), led by Mr Ozawa, wrested control of the upper house of the Diet (parliament) from the LDP, a first. 2005年大选自民党获得了压倒性的胜利,但仅仅两年后,小泽领导的民主党就首次夺取了参议院的控制权。
- Opinion polls suggest that the LDP is likely to be beaten by the Democratic Party of Japan because of a wide set of failings, not just its economic (mis)management. 民意测验显示,不仅因其经济政策不得民心,同时也由于在一系列问题上无所作为,自民党有可能完败于民进党。