- Dendrobium terminalen. 刀叶石斛
- I'll keep with you to the bus terminal. 我陪你到公共汽车终点站。
- Please wait for me at the bus terminal. 请在公共汽车终点站等我。
- He took the airport bus to the city terminal. 他坐机场的交通车到市区集散站。
- We got off at the terminal station. 我们在终站下车。
- The data will be fed into the computer terminal. 数据将输入电脑终端。
- He is suffering from terminal cancer. 他患晚期癌症。
- The current flows out of the output terminal. 电流从输出电极流出。
- Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal. 用公车载送旅客前往航空站。
- The truck blasted toward the terminal. 卡车向终点疾驰。
- A terminal in a computer network. 终端计算机网状系统的末端
- Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl. 铁皮石斛
- Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook.var.oculatum Hook. 马鞭石斛
- Tissue Culture of Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook. 流苏石斛的组织培养。
- Dendrobium candidium Wall. Ex Lindl. 铁皮石斛
- Dendrobium strongylanthum Rchb. f. 梳唇石斛
- The response of a terminal to remote control signals. 终端对远程控制信号的响应。参阅handshaking。
- Dendrobium faulhaberianum Schlecht. ,以 茎 入药。
- Dendrobium candidum Wall. ex Lindl. 铁皮石斛
- The terminal examinations will be held in early May. 期终考试将在五月初举行。