- Dendroctonus forntalis 松林小蠹
- The Red turpentine bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte, is an invading pest of pines in China. 摘要红脂大小蠹是我国近年来重要的入侵害虫。
- Ips and Dendroctonus are regarded as attacking bark beetle and all species bore and damage Pinus. 齿小蠹和大小蠹一样,都被认为是最具进攻性的树皮小蠹,该属小蠹都以松属植物为寄主。
- YIN H F.The synopsis on morphological and biological characters of Dendroctonus valens LeConte[ J].Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica , 2000, 25 ( 1 ): 42-43. [1]殷惠芬.;强大小蠹的简要的形态学特征和生物学特征[J]
- The current damage situation of Dendroctonus ponderosaein BC,Canada and the researches which had been conducted by Canada were reviewed and discussed. 继后对此虫害在加拿大BC省为害的现状及该国目前对中欧山松大小蠹的研究进行了论述。
- Space distribution of entering tree hole of Dendroctonus vales imago was measured by diffusion coefficient (one of six indexes). 应用扩散系数等6种指数法测定了红脂大小蠹成虫侵入孔的空间分布型。
- The biological characteristics of Dendroctonus ponderosae in BC,Canada was introduced from its distribution,parasitism,morphology,life cycle to its damage. 从分布及寄主,形态特征及生活史,为害特性对中欧山松大小蠹的生物学特性作了介绍。
- Red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens, RTB), which was probably introduced from USA, is one of the most important invasive pests in Chinese forest ecological system. 摘要红脂大小蠹是我国重要的外来入侵害虫,给我国林业生产和国土生态安全带来巨大危害。
- Population dynamics of Dendroctonus valens at the egg stage, larval stage and adult stage in Shaanxi province was studied by lure-wood and indoor breeding. 用饵木诱集及室内自然温度饲养方法确定了红脂大小蠹在陕西韩城雷寺庄林区成虫、卵、幼虫种群数量的年变动规律。
- Seudenone (3-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-one) is an antiaggregation pheromone of Douglas fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae. Seudenol (3-methyl cyclohex-2-en-1-ol) is an aggregation pheromone of Douglas fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae . 3-甲基环己 - 2 -烯 - 1 -酮 (Seudenone)是云杉红翅小蠹的抑制信息素 ;3-甲基环己 - 2 -烯- 1 -醇 (± -Seudenol)却是一种聚集信息素 .
- Dendroctonus valens, a new record species firstly found in Yangling forest farm of Yangcheng,Shanxi province in July 1998,damages and even causes death of Chinese pine and Armand pine. 红脂大小蠹 (Dendroctonusvalens) 1998年 7月在山西省阳城县阳陵林场首次发现 ,为害并可致死健康油松、华山松 ,是国内新纪录种。
- margo forntalis ossis parietalis 顶骨额缘
- Summary of Study on Dendroctonus vales Imago 红脂大小蠹研究文献综述
- red turpentine beetle(dendroctonus valens) 红脂大小蠹
- Research on the chew quantity of the Dendroctonus valens Le Conte 红脂大小蠹取食量的观察研究
- Population Dynamics and Prediction of Dendroctonus valens 红脂大小蠹的种群动态及预测预报
- Study on the biological characteristic of Dendroctonus valensle 强大小蠹生物学特性研究
- Basal airtight fumigation in plastic skirts against Dendroctonus valens 塑料裙干基密闭熏蒸法防治红脂大小蠹试验
- The Application of GIS on Information Management of Dendroctonus valens GIS在红脂大小蠹信息管理中的应用研究初探
- Space Distribution of Entering Tree Hole of Dendroctonus vales Imago 红脂大小蠹成虫侵入孔的空间分布型研究