- Deputy Chief of Air Staff 空军副参谋长
- Nominally, Mr Rove is the deputy chief of staff; in practice, he is far more powerful than that. 名义上,罗夫(首席政治顾问)是副总管,实际上他的作用远超于此。
- In 1932 he served as deputy chief of staff of the Japanese Expeditionary Forces which attacked and occupied Shanghai. 一九三二年任日本上海派遣军副参谋长,参加侵占上海的战争。
- Zhang Qingsheng, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of China's army said he would attend a meeting in Washington in September to finalize the agreement. 中国人民解放军副总参谋长章沁生称将在9月份去华盛顿参加一个会谈并将此协议最终确定下来。
- The pact was sealed between Permanent Secretary for Defence Chiang Chie Foo and PLA's Deputy Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Ma Xiaotian. 新加坡国防部常任秘书郑子富与中国人民解放军总参谋部副主席中将马晓天共同签署该协议.
- Colonel Snedeker, the division's deputy chief of staff, had positioned himself there to direct the further movement of the vehicle serials. 陆战1师副参谋长斯内德克上校,已经守候在那里就车队的下一步行动进行指导。
- Assistant Chief of Air Staff 空军助理参谋长
- That assessment jibed with one offered earlier Thursday in Moscow, where the deputy chief of staff of Russia's armed forces laid out a similar timeline. 这个说法与莫斯科星期四早些时候的说法一致,俄罗斯三军总司令的代表曾给出了相似的时间表。
- Chief of Air Staff 空军参谋长
- Pacific Fleet.His last active duty assignment was as Deputy Chief of Naval Education and training headquartered at the Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida. 他的最后一次现役安排是作为美国海军培训的副主任在弗罗里达,彭萨科拉的海军空站设立训练基地。
- At the White House, Deputy Chief of Staff Joel Kaplan says President Bush would be in touch with individual Republican lawmakers to win their support for the plan. 在白宫,副幕僚长乔尔.;卡普兰说,布什总统会与一些共和党议员保持接触,以便赢得他们对汽车业拯救计划的支持。
- To the amazement of the press and the Montanans watching, my deputy chief of staff, Harold Ickes, rode off after the runaway steed at a blistering pace, chased him down, and returned him to his owner. 让媒体和蒙大拿州人感到惊异的是,我的办公厅副主任哈罗德.;伊克斯,在那匹马迅速跑开后,他骑马在它后面追赶,直到追到它并把它交还到它的主人手中。
- Stage has a surname Zheng, deputy chief of staff, on the successive read as deputy chief of staff, previously only seen in books such instances, did not think today I met one back. 台上有个副参谋长姓郑,就连续几次读成正副参谋长,以前只是在书上看过这样的事例,没想到今天让我遇上了一回。
- Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel United States Air Force 美国空军负责人事的副参谋长
- She had always hoped that he would someday become at least a Deputy Chief of Naval Operations. 她一直希望他有朝一日至少当上海军作战部副部长.
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- The great virtue of air travel is speed. 乘飞机旅行的最大优点是速度快。
- Pm Banquet hosted by Deputy Chief of Mission, Minister Liu Xiaoming, PRC Embassy, in honor of Beijing and Wuxi Public and Business executive. 驻美使馆公使刘晓明先生设宴招待学员。