- Des Bois de FIJI Islands 斐济岛的上乘红木
- He also discovered Tonga and the Fiji Islands. 同时,塔斯曼还发现了东加和斐济岛。
- It's hard to tell which end is up in this close-up of a bearded scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands. 意译:奇特的海生物图片画廊。它是很难辨别那一个目标是向上的在这个特写镜头的有胡须的蚰鱼在斐济群岛。
- Tiny teeth and yellow nostrils flash as a male blue ribbon eel opens wide in the Fiji Islands. 意译:奇特的海生物图片画廊。极小的牙齿和黄色的鼻孔闪现像一只雄性蓝绶带鳗鱼打开宽阔的在斐济群岛。
- Deaf sporting leaders assembled at the Cafe de la Porte Doree, 275 Avenue Daumesnil, near the Bois de Vincennes in Paris on the 16th August, 1924. 聋奥会的比赛项目和健全人的比赛项目差不多,如篮球、排球、田径、体操和游泳等。
- A devil scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands looks sleepy, but it's waiting motionless for unsuspecting prey to swim past before it strikes. 意译:奇特的海生物图片画廊。一个魔鬼蚰鱼在斐济群岛看起来欲睡的,但它是等候不动的给无戒心的猎物游泳经过之前攻击它。
- Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels A blue-eyed crab nestles in antler coral off Namenalala island in the Fiji Islands. 意译:海洋上的奇迹图片。一蓝眼睛的蟹安居在鹿角珊瑚离开namenalala岛在斐济群岛。
- Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels It's hard to tell which end is up in this close-up of a bearded scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands. 意译:奇特的海生物图片画廊。它是很难辨别那一个目标是向上的在这个特写镜头的有胡须的蚰鱼在斐济群岛。
- So he won rookie of the year, and soon Sant Boi de Llobregat became maybe the world's foremost pocket of Memphis Grizzlies jerseys, probably surpassing even Memphis. 随后他获得了那一年的最佳新秀奖杯,而接下来SantBoideLlobregat(加索尔在西班牙打球的城市)可能就成为了全世界灰熊队队服销售最火爆的地方,也许还超过了在孟菲斯的销量。
- Most of these werein the United States,but some of them were in Canada ,GreatBritain ,New Zealand ,and even as far as the Fiji Islands . 这些图书馆大多数都在美国,但其中一部分在加拿大、英国、新西兰,甚至远在斐济群岛。
- The very phrases were worn so threadbare that they evoked no image except that of a turbaned "character." leaking sawdust at every pore as he pursued a tiger through the Bois de Boulogne. 他的措词本身那么陈腐,以致在我脑子里只能是这样的形象:一个裹着头巾的傀儡戏里的“角色”,在布龙公园追着打老虎,一面跑一面从身子里每个孔洞里往外漏木屑。
- In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber. 在斐济群岛的水域中,帝王虾和寄居蟹消失隐秘在大豹海参皮肤上豹纹中。
- Photograph by Tim Laman In the waters of the Fiji Islands, an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber. 在斐济群岛的水域中,帝王虾和寄居蟹消失隐秘在大豹海参皮肤上豹纹中。海参用它皮肤上的粘液提供食物给这些甲壳类动物,而当它受到威胁的时候,则会把有毒污秽的胃部器官喷射出来,以保护自己。
- The very phrases were worn so threadbare that they evoked no image except that of a turbaned “character” leaking sawdust at every pore as he pursued a tiger through the Bois de Boulogne. 他这样信口开河,没有一句令人可信的话,我听了脑中没有别的构想,似乎只见到一个裹了头巾的印度“阿三”,像塞满木屑的玩偶一样,在巴黎郊外布隆公园里东奔西跑、追着打老虎。
- Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels A devil scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands looks sleepy, but it's waiting motionless for unsuspecting prey to swim past before it strikes. 意译:海洋的奇迹图片。魔鬼scorpionfish在斐济群岛看来,困倦,但它的不动为等待不知情的猎物游泳过去之前,它的打击。
- Shooting in the beautiful scenery of Fiji Islands, HAN Eun-jung, reputated as a healthy and charming Korean female artist, will demonstrate and explain a series of CORE movements. 远赴景色怡人,水清沙幼的斐济群岛实地拍摄。
- Patterns in Nature: Island Aerials A dramatic collar of coral reefs rings Mondriki Island, foreground, and Monu Island, background, two of Melanesia's Fiji Islands. 意译:鸟瞰岛屿在自然界的模式。戏剧性的衣领珊瑚礁环mondriki岛,前景,以及monu岛,背景下,两个美拉尼西亚的斐济群岛。
- Embassy of the Republic of Fiji Islands 斐济群岛共和国大使馆
- Consulate of Fiji Islands in Hong Kong 斐济驻港领事馆
- Sur les traces des fondateurs de Rome II. 追踪罗马建城者的脚印2。