- The firm markets various kinds of household appliances. 这家公司销售各种家用器具。
- Imports of household appliances rose last month. 上个月我们的家用电器进口增加了。
- Detect of Household Appliances 小家电检测
- The grocery store has a side line of household appliances. 那家杂货铺兼卖家用电器。
- He used to be the repairer of household appliances, the designer of electrocircuit, and the stock raiser. 曾从事家电维修、电路设计、畜牧等工作。
- Production of household appliances, kitchen and home accessories Sweet boxes Bottle openers -... 分类标题:钢制家用品|铝制家用品...
- Can be widely used in the package of household appliances, such as washing machine and refrigeratory. 广泛适用于家电产品包装,如洗衣机,冰箱,冰柜等;
- Through the comparison of the old and new products, the author concludesthe trend of the development of household appliances. 通过新老产品作对比,总结出家电产品的总发展趋势。
- It is best suited to glazing and protection of household appliances, vehicles instrument panels, tires, leather seats, furniture and plastics. 最适于家用电器、车辆仪表板、轮胎、皮革座椅、家私、塑料制品的上光及保护。
- It is proved that the application of high infrared technology in powder spray on the surface of household appliances is practicable and adv... 实践证明高红外技术应用于家电外壳的粉末涂装是切实可行且具有优越性的。
- They wiring for usage in thermal places where a range of household appliances,illuminative lamps,industrial machinesare operated. 适用于各种家用电器、照明灯具、工业机器、电热制品等高温场所之配线。
- The company specializing in the production of household appliances controllers, set SCM R &D production in a body of professional firms. 本公司专业生产家用电器控制器,集单片机研发生产于一体的专业公司。
- Major production and sales of audio products all kinds of household appliances, wireless burglar alarm system installed. 主要生产音响产品以及销售各类家用电器,安装无线防盗报警系统。
- Solar cladding electricity can be used to power all manner of household appliances, computing and communications equipment, water pumping and lighting. 太阳能熔覆电力能用于各种形式的家用电器,计算机和通信设备,水泵和照明。
- Focused on "Innovation changes life, design achieves future", speahers will address the issue concerning the development of household appliances and its future designing trend. 内容:以“创新改变生活,设计成就未来”为方向,探讨家电产品的发展趋势及未来家电的设计走向。
- There are many household appliances in this shop. 这个商店有许多家用用具。
- Row after row of tall, like everywhere, a stretch of household appliances gem; We always say a dilapidated cottage, but never leave the Yanan cave heatable adobe sleeping platform. 一排排高楼大厦象雨后春笋,一件件家用电器满目琳琅;我们永远告别了破旧的茅屋,却忘不了延安窑洞温热的土炕。
- All this was done to relieve women of household chores. 这一切都是为了把妇女从家务劳动中解放出来。
- Foshan days Huilong Electronics Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in production and sales of household appliances and has 10 years of history. See specific details of the website companies learn more. 佛山市天汇龙电子有限公司主要从事家用电器生产和销售,至今已经有10多年的历史。具体详情请看公司集团网站了解更多。
- DIY(Do it yourself) peak value magnetometer to test magnetic intensity of household appliance with AC supply. 自制低频峰值磁强计测居室磁场