- Life is poetically compared to the morning dew. 在诗歌中,人生被比喻为朝露。
- The grass was sprinkled with dew. 草上沾满了露珠。
- Use/Indication : Action: Antidotal &carminative. 用途:功能:清热,散风,解表,退烧。
- The cool of the night distill the dew. 深夜的寒气凝成露珠。
- Her skirt was wet with the morning dew. 她的裙子被朝露沾湿。
- His whole frame suffused with a cold dew. 他的整身布满了寒露。
- Drops of dew tinselled the leaves. 露珠似金银丝般装点着树叶。
- The dew on the grass drizzled my shoes. 草上的露水打湿了我的鞋。
- The warm sun evaporated the dew. (温暖的)阳光化去了露水。
- The cool of the night distils the dew. 清凉的夜晚洒落露水。
- The sweat came out in a fine dew on his forehead. 他的额头上冒出露水般的汗珠。
- He had an impression of dew and roses. 他仿佛看到了露珠和玫瑰花。
- A tenderness spread over Grace like a dew. 一种柔情好像一场露水洒遍了格雷丝的全身。
- The sun soon evaporated the morning dew . 太阳很快就使晨露蒸发了。
- The condensed moisture is called dew. 凝结的水汽叫做露。
- Morning dew moistened the ground. 朝露弄湿了地面。
- The cow that is first up gets the first of the dew. 早起母牛先得露。
- Morning comes early and bright with dew. 早晨很早到来,带着滴滴露珠。
- Dew drops were still clinging on the trees. 露珠仍然沾在树上。
- The grass was wet with early morning dew. 清晨的露水使得青草湿漉漉的。