- Di kiln 弟窑
- They are charring wood in a kiln. 他们正在窑内将木头烧成木炭。
- Melissa was conceived through DI 37 years ago. 37年前,梅利莎的母亲通过人工授精怀上了她。
- We never smoked marijuana; Di you smoke? 我们从来不吸烟;你吸烟吗。
- I thought porcelain kiln must be very big. 我还以为烧瓷的窑炉都很大呢。
- Marco Di Vaio has pledged his future to Genoa. 迪瓦约许誓自己的未来在热那亚。
- That morning we fired our first kiln of charcoal . 那天上午,我们烧了我们的第一窑木炭。
- The bricks are left in the kiln to bake. 砖坯放在窑里烧。
- The Strada di Chiara was as noisy as ever. 基阿拉大街跟以往一样嘈杂喧哗。
- What is the non-official kiln then. 那么民窑呢?
- Late Baroque towns of the Val di Noto,Italy. 意大利诺托谷的晚期巴罗克风格城镇。
- At one time in a dragon kiln this size? 一次可以烧制出多少件瓷器呢?
- A new structure gas tight machine for kiln end. 一种结构新颖的窑尾密封装置。
- Remove ashes from(a fire,kiln,etc. 将灰从(炉、等)里耙出来.
- Banca Monte Bei Paschi Di Siena S.P.A. 意大利西雅那银行
- That morning we fired our first kiln of charcoal. 那天上午,我们烧了我们的第一窑木炭。
- I hear that Mr. Di is going to be promoted . 听说狄先生要升职。
- This is a perfectly preserved ancient kiln. 这是一座保存十分完好的古窑。
- Oh a la ba za na di, we are MIRACLE of the world! 哦阿日巴杂那地,世界是我们的奇迹!
- The hierarch asked one disciple to hire a kiln man. 他们的教主就叫徒弟到市上去雇请一个窑工来造。