- Diagnostic procedure on bone of vertebrae 脊椎骨诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on bone 骨诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on facial bone 面骨诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on pelvic bone 骨盆骨诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on anterior chamber of eye 眼前房诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on anterior segment of eye 眼前节诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on blood vessel 血管诊断操作
- Diagnostic procedure on carpals and metacarpals 腕骨和掌骨诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on cerebral meninges 脑膜诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on ciliary body 睫状体诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on clavicle 锁骨诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on conjunctiva 结膜诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on cranial nerve 颅神经诊断性操作
- Drop tooth = to be on bone " dibble " ? 掉牙=在骨头上“挖洞”?
- Diagnostic procedure on cranial nerve ganglion 颅神经节诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on external ear 外耳诊断性操作
- Some of the workmanship on bone was extraordinarily fine. 骨器制作的手艺有些极为高超。
- Diagnostic procedure on extraocular muscle 眼外肌诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on facial joint 面部关节诊断性操作
- Diagnostic procedure on globus pallidus 苍白球诊断性操作