- Diaphragmatic muscle atrophy 膈肌萎缩
- Signs include pain, weakness, and rear limb muscle atrophy. 症状有:疼痛、虚弱和后肢肌肉萎缩。
- Three cases had mild calf muscle atrophy with claudication. 3例小腿肌肉轻度萎缩伴跛行;
- Purpose To study limb immobilization influencing on denervated muscle atrophy. 结论肢体制动加速了失神经支配肌肉萎缩的发展。
- Whether this selective muscle atrophy is a primary or secondary phenomenon remains unclear. 这种选择性的肌肉萎缩是原发性或继发性现象仍不清楚。
- Objective To investigate correlation of pulmonary heart disease (PHD)with the diaphragmatic muscle fatigue(DMF). 目的探讨肺心病与膈肌疲劳的关系。
- Dry beriberi involves gradual long-nerve degeneration, with muscle atrophy and loss of reflexes. 患乾性脚气病时长神经逐渐变性,同时伴有肌肉萎缩及反射消失。
- This review summarized the recent research on the prevention and treatment of denervated skeletal muscle atrophy. 本文就失神经骨骼肌萎缩的防治进展作一综述。
- Objective: To compare methods of setting up animal model of denervated skeletal muscle atrophy in rats. 目的:探讨建立大鼠失神经支配骨骼肌萎缩动物模型的适宜方法。
- Symptoms include rear limb weakness, decreased reflexes, muscle atrophy, megaesophagus, and loss of bark. 症状包括后肢乏力,反射降低、肌肉萎缩、巨食管病、丧失吠叫能力。目前尚无治疗方法,预后不良。
- Conclusion RS and DH compounds can partially prevent muscle atrophy caused by tail suspension. 结论 人参复方和丹黄合剂可以部分改善悬吊引起的骨骼肌萎缩。
- The corresponding parts of brachial plexus compression caused by pain, paresthesia, muscle atrophy. 压迫臂丛神经引起相应部位疼痛、感觉异常、肌肉萎缩等。
- Deficiency QDBS type : limb pain, dark purple, chapped skin, muscle atrophy, is not inconsistent temperature. 气虚血瘀型:患肢疼痛,紫暗,皮薄干裂,肌肉萎缩,触之不温。
- A study was performed in Zelanian rabbits to discuss the effects of different pulse amplitudes on the diaphragm muscle with IDP controlled by program. 本课题旨在通过微电脑编程控制IDP射电参数,对新西兰大白兔膈肌起搏动物模型进行不同脉冲参数的起搏,进而探讨其对于膈肌组织的影响。
- The schwannoma is over the para-spine, near psoas muscle and causes muscle atrophy. 神经鞘瘤位于脊髓附近且靠近腰肌,并造成肌肉萎缩。
- Belch is a proverb of hiccup, this symptom is a phenomena of diaphragm muscle spasm.If this disease happens, it will bring discomfort and suffering. 呃逆俗称打嗝,是膈肌痉挛的表现,发作时会给人带来不适以至痛苦。
- While in denervated muscle, actinomycin D inhibited proliferation of satellite cells aswell as increase of endocytosis, but could not prevent muscle atrophy after denerva-tion. 在去神经的肌肉中,放线菌素D抑制了卫星细胞增殖的同时还抑制了胞纳的增加,但不能阻止去神经肌肉的萎缩。
- Methods: The CE was applied into the denervated extensor digital longus muscle (EDL) of the SD rats, and the indexes of muscle atrophy were observed. 方法:在SD大鼠失神经趾长伸肌中,应用中枢神经提取液(centralnerveextract,CE),并观察肌肉萎缩的生理学指标。
- The purpose of this research is to develop an implantable diaphragm pacer(IDP) that electrically activates the diaphragm muscle to produce ventilation in the clinical setting. 开发一种基于微型单片机控制的自主式植入膈肌起搏器(ImplantedDiaphragm Pacer;IDP).
- The metabolism of carbohydrate and fat during exercise is related to Il-6,while IL-6 participates in skeletal muscle atrophy and myocytolysis. 运动时糖和脂肪的代谢与IL-6有关,IL-6也可能参与肌纤维溶解和肌肉萎缩。