- Dichochrysa decolorn. 退色叉草蛉
- Excellent effect of deodorization,gout elimination and decolor. 除臭、除味、脱色效果好。
- The process of decolor and the removal of TOC is not simultaneous. 玫瑰红染料的脱色过程与总有机碳TOC的去除过程是不同步的。
- This standard is applied to crude paraffin which is made of raw material with oil paraffin and is diaphoresised or de-oiled not by decolor. 本标准适用于以含油蜡为原料,经发汗或溶剂脱油,不经精制脱色所得到的粗石蜡。
- Objective: To solve the decolor problem of extracting from Panax Notoginseng Leaves. 目的:解决三七叶总皂苷提取中的脱色工艺技术。
- The excellent decolor ability of sewage sludge made it possible to be applied extensively in dye wastewater treatment. 焙烧污泥的优良脱色性能使其在染料废水处理方面具有较好 的应用前景。
- Refining method with solvent mixed A with N-methyl pyrrolidone was used to decolor the FCC diesel oil. 以溶剂A和N-甲基吡咯烷酮的混合物为萃取剂,对催化裂化柴油进行了脱色精制研究。
- Under the optimal condition,decolor rate of dyestuff on magnesium hydroxide could reach 99%. 在最佳条件下,氢氧化镁对直接墨绿染料及工厂中的印染废水的脱色率可以达到99%25。
- A research was conducted for two kind of WRF used to decolor to the sythatic waste liquid of metal complex dyes. 结果表明,实验用菌可对溶剂型金属络合染料起明显的脱色作用,经驯化的白腐真菌处理染料液72小时脱色率高达90%25以上。
- This equipment is mainly used to plant oil, crude oil, clear oil's filtrate, it is also used decolor's filtrate in the refining plant. 该设备主要用于植物油厂毛油以及清油的过滤,也可以用在精炼车间脱色的过滤。
- Result: Apply combination macroporous resin alkalescently and multistagely for decolor and put in practice industrialization cosmically. 结果:应用组合大孔吸附树脂,在碱性条件下多级脱色,较好地解决了三七叶总皂苷脱色困难,并实施了大规模产业化。
- The error coefficient curve in the determination of concentration of decolor type sub-stances by indircet spectrophotometry was analysed. 从理论和实验上研究了退色型间接分光光度法的浓度测量误差,作出了浓度测量误差系数曲线。
- A new method involving extraction to decolor the waste sulfuric acid discharged from the process of anthraquinone production was described. 以萃取法对蒽醌生产中的废硫酸进行脱色处理,优化选择萃取剂,并对脱色工艺进行初步的探讨。
- And it was used as adsorbent to decolor wastewater containing direct red 4B and methyl orange.The factors affecting adsorption were studied. 以膨胀石墨为吸附剂,对直接大红4B、甲基橙燃料废水进行了吸附脱色研究,探讨了影响吸附的因素。
- This equipment is mainly used to plant oil,crude oil,clear oil's filtrate,it is also used decolor's filtrate in the refining plant. 该设备主要用于植物油厂毛油的过滤,也可以用在精炼车间脱色的过滤。
- The process of defat and decolor made the hydrolysate flavor better. and degree of hydrolyste(DH),nitrogen reclaim (NR) TCA-NSI of hydrolysate could be increased . 脱脂、脱色除去玉米蛋白中的脂肪和色素,不仅使脱脂后水解物的风味大为改观,而且脱脂、脱色后酶解产物的水解度(DH)、蛋白回收率(NR)和三氯乙酸氮溶解指数(TCA-NSI)均高于脱脂、脱色前酶解产物。
- The one is wide used for the sterilization of drinking wate mineral water,the water for swimming pool and somefields in oxidation decolor and getting rid of the sapor. 该设备广泛应用于引用纯净水、矿泉水、泳池水的消毒杀菌及污废水的氧化脱色除味等领域。
- The preparation of chitin from cicada was discussed emphatically.The preparation process,decolor conditions,the concentration and dosage of the acid and alkali were studied. 从金蝉中提取甲壳素,对制备工艺、脱色条件、酸碱浓度及用量等进行研究。
- During the producing xylitol, the hydrolysate has complex components and dark color.The powder of activated carbon is used to decolor and improve the quality of production. 木糖醇在生产过程中,其水解液成分复杂,色泽较深,可使用粉状活性炭脱色,提高产品质量,但是活性炭使用后,脱色能力会大大降低,不能再利用。
- Compared with the traditional techniques,it was not necessary to decolor the raw brine,thus greatly simplified the production process and saved the cost of production. 以盐化生产中的老卤与纯碱为原料,采用一种新工艺,制备了轻质透明碱式碳酸镁。