- Keywords Lentinan;Monokaryontic mycelia;Dikaryotic mycelia;Metabolic regulatayion;Mutation;Fermentation; 香菇多糖;单核菌丝;双核菌丝;代谢调控;诱变;发酵条件;
- Dikaryotic mycelia 双核菌丝
- Mycelium on cereal grain is termed mold growth. 在谷物上生长的菌丝体叫做发霉。
- Many endophytic mycelia penetrated in the velamina. 根被细胞中分布有大量内生真菌菌丝。
- Substrate mycelium , grow in the substate. 基内菌丝:生长在培养基内部的菌丝.
- The hyphae can fuse and form a heterocaryotic mycelium. 菌丝可以融合并形成异核的菌丝体。
- The mass of rice is thoroughly permeated with mycelium. 整个大米层中都布满了菌丝。
- Any of the threadlike filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus. 菌丝任何形成真菌丝状线
- The fifth day is the logarithm stage for the mycelium growth. 菌丝体生长的第五天为菌丝对数生长阶段。
- They are thick-walled, are not easily detached from the mycelium. 它们是厚壁的,是不易从菌丝体上脱落的。
- Objective To study the preparation of chitosan from mycelium. 目的研究从菌丝体中提取壳聚糖的工艺。
- Aerial mycelium, derived from substrate mycelium, grow in the air. 气生菌丝:由基内菌丝长出的伸展在空气中的菌丝.
- Teleomorph begins when hyphae anastomose (= fuse together), become dikaryotic and aggregate into compact masses (ascoma). 有性阶段始于菌丝融合时,变成二核体,聚集成紧密的一团。
- The nutrition characteristics of mycelia of Pleurotus eryrgii were studied. 摘要研究杏鲍菇菌丝营养生长特性,为人工高产栽培提供科学依据。
- During formation of the dikaryotic haustorium, there were collars formed around the neckand tubles in cytoplasm in host cell. (4)在双核吸器形成过程中,寄主细胞可分泌胼胝质和产生与侵染有关的管状结构。
- Hapliod is saprophytic in siol and can’t infect sugarcane,while dikaryotic mycellium can only grow in the living sugarcane tissue. 后者只生长在甘蔗活组织内,其形成必须经由两个具有亲和性的单倍体有性配合,抑制其配合将可达到控制病害之目的。
- When a white mycelium develops, the cubes, are aged in salted rice wine. 当白色菌丝形成后,豆腐块被放在咸的米酒中成熟。
- Hyphae grow and branch to form a filamentous network called a mycelium. 菌丝生长形成分支,进而形成网状结构称为菌丝体。
- Its aerial mycelium is white,substrate mycelium is colorless to cream or pink. 其气生菌丝白色 ,基内菌丝无色至乳脂或浅粉 ;
- The mycelium of strain Me12 is brown, and the mycelium of strain Me11 is white. 在酵母膏培养基上 ;菌株Me1 2的菌丝体呈褐色 ;菌株Me1 1的菌丝体呈淡色 .