- The Englishman has to come down off his high horse as a gentleman to hoot off Ding Junhui. 英国人不的不放下绅士的身段,为丁俊辉喝倒彩。
- First Bureau, Ding Junhui first 8 hours after an impasse, both sides failed to score. 第一局,丁俊晖先得8分后便陷入僵局,双方都未能得分。
- On the contrary Ding Junhui is not a state of good looks, Harold always seize the first opportunity. 相反丁俊晖则看起来状态不是很好,总是让哈罗德先抓住机会。
- Comparatively, Ding Junhui in the technology, the experience and the psychological quality is maturer. 相比之下,丁俊晖在技术、经验和心理素质上都更为成熟。
- After the start, Ding Junhui and John Higgins are playing very cautiously, and the scene was a stalemate. 开局后,丁俊晖和希金斯都打得十分谨慎,场面胶着。
- My favorite sport is snooker and Ding Junhui is my favorite player of this sport. 我最喜爱的运动是斯诺克和丁俊晖是我最喜爱的球员的这项运动。
- Ding Junhui and the rest of China's best snooker players made headlines in 2007 for very different reasons. 丁俊晖和其他中国的优秀斯诺克球手在2007年的不同赛季里都成为了重大新闻。
- Today, the decline in the state of Ding Junhui, snooker will be affected in China's development? 如今,丁俊晖的状态下滑,会影响到斯诺克在中国的发展吗?
- Ding Junhui, said: "there are things nobody wants this to happen, and I also feel very sad. 丁俊晖说:“发生这样的事情是大家都不想见到的,我也一样,感到非常痛心。”
- Ding Junhui's condition rises again slowly middle 2008, but has created individual best success in several big games. 在2008年当中丁俊晖的状态缓慢回升,但还是在几项大赛中缔造了个人的最佳战绩。
- In fact, as Ding Junhui is a non-system product in their own families under the train out of a player. 因为丁俊晖其实是一个非体制的产物,是自己在家庭的培养下出来的一位选手。
- The competition opening, Ding Junhui successively took 36 points and 70 points has had 1-0 leads. 比赛开局,丁俊晖就先后拿下36分和70分取得了1-0的领先优势。
- At home, my father and I like watching snooker games on TV, and I really admire Ding Junhui. 在家里,我父亲和我喜欢看台球游戏在电视上,我真佩服丁俊晖。
- The new season of the doldrums, so that the next treasure Ding Junhui more per game. 新赛季的低迷,让丁俊晖更加珍惜接下来的每一场比赛。
- Ding Junhui, who won the UK Championship in Telford on Sunday, has donated 276 pies to charity. 美国雅虎体育消息,丁俊晖在周日赢得斯诺克英锦标赛冠军后将赞助商提供的276个馅饼赠给了慈善机构。
- This time participates in the Warsaw station 4 great soldiers besides Ding Junhui, but also has Selby, Davies and reaches Heady. 本次参加华沙站的4位名将除了丁俊晖之外,还有塞尔比、戴维斯和达赫迪。
- But after Snow let Ding Junhui out under very difficult, he chose the defense, the result of some luck into a very high quality snooker. 但是后斯诺让丁俊晖出杆非常困难,最终他还是选择了防守,结果有些运气的做成一个质量很高的斯诺克。
- AP Shanghai Masters snooker has come to an end, in the latest rankings released provisional China's Ding Junhui ranks only 14th. 搜狐体育讯斯诺克上海大师赛已经曲终人散,在最新出炉的临时排名中中国选手丁俊晖仅位列第14位。
- Competition in the seesaw battle, Ding Junhui again when the red powder to be careful with the ball into the right lower end of bags to 17-53 behind. 比赛陷入了拉锯战,丁俊晖再打红球时又不小心把粉球装入右下底袋,以17-53落后。
- Also exhilaratingly, the nation's snooker prodigy, Ding Junhui, spearheaded the Chinese team successfully to snatch the team title. 中国斯诺克台球神童丁俊辉带领中国队一路冲锋陷阵,最终将男团金牌收入囊中。