- Keywords Dioscin Ischemic;Reperfusion injury;Myocardium;Rat; 关键词薯蓣皂甙;缺血再灌注损伤;心肌;大鼠;
- Dioscin Ischemic 薯蓣皂甙
- They are known as ischemic (eh-SKEE-mic) strokes. 他们被命名为缺血性中风。
- Methods Focal brain ischemia animal model was used. 方法应用局限性脑缺血动物模型。
- Title: Lipid levels and the risk of ischemic stroke in women. 女性血脂水平与缺血性卒中风险。
- Bleeding strokes are more likely to kill than ischemic strokes. 出血性中风可能比缺血性中风更有破坏性。
- Objective:To select the microorganism which can hydrolyze dioscin to diosgenin. 目的:筛选可水解薯蓣皂苷的微生物。
- During follow-up, there were 472 incident ischemic strokes. 在随访中,472人发生了缺血性中风。
- EDT can protect PC12 cells from anoxia and ischemic injury. EDT对PC12细胞缺血缺氧损伤具有保护作用。
- Conclusion Captopril is able to preserve ischemic myocardium. 结论卡托普利对缺血心肌具有保护作用。
- The acute ischemic stroke belongs to Apoplexy in TCM. 急性缺血性中风属于中医"中风"范畴。
- The presence of angina indicates significant coronary ischemia. 心绞痛本身说明有明显的冠状动脉供血不足。
- Objective: To develop a RP-HPLC method for the determination of dioscin in the rhizomes of three Dioscorea species. 目的:建立薯蓣属3种植物福州薯蓣、绵萆?、穿龙薯蓣根茎中薯蓣皂苷的含量测定方法。
- Classic Papers Revisited Myocardial Ischemia Revisited. 再访心肌缺血。
- Anterior segment ischemia ensued in at least one case. 至少有一位患者己发生眼球前段缺血之现象。
- What organs are at risk for ischemia in sickle cell diseaese? 镰状细胞病时哪些器官有缺血的危险?
- Hypothermia significantly reduced DND after cerebral ischemia. 低温明显减少脑缺血后的DND。
- Diosgenin is the hydrolyzed material of dioscin and the precursor substance of several important endogenous steroids. 摘要薯蓣皂甙元是薯蓣皂甙的水解产物,它是许多重要甾体激素的前体物质。
- This leads to worsening of ischemia and further muscle damage. 这使得局部缺血恶化和进一步的肌损伤。
- Aleppo avens have protective effect to mouse cerebral ischemia. 蓝布不对小鼠脑缺血具有保护作用。