- You fill your ears with every note Direction seems the only hope, Its crowded, let's create now We do no wrong. 嘈杂的声音塞满耳朵,嘈杂中,找寻最后的希望,最后的方向。告诉我,我们没有错。
- Direction seems the only hope 目的地是唯一的希望了
- As the US may need years to repair its balance sheet and Europe and Japan are weighed down by aging populations, China seems the only hope to power the next upturn. 由于美国可能需要几年来修复其资产负债表及欧洲和日本的体重下降了人口老龄化,中国似乎是唯一的希望,以支持未来增长。
- Forgiveness is the only hope I hold. 宽恕是我拥有的唯一的希望。
- The only hope that the Rockets rookie Brooks and Landry. 火箭新秀的希望只有布鲁克斯和兰德里。
- Seems the only way out is to cut some programs and downsize our organization. 看来唯一的出路是减少一些慈善项目和精简我们的机构。”
- It seemed the only logical thing to do. 看来那样做才合乎常理.
- I only hope that the rain holds off for a few hours more. 我惟一的希望是雨延迟1小时再下。
- The only hope is that this bout of the country's civil war is short, sharp. 现在唯有希望,该国内战的这一回合打得短暂猛烈。
- Burning the bites is the only hope of stopping Henry from catching the disease. 烫被咬的伤口是阻止亨利得病的唯一希望。
- It seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun. 这似乎是一个修女的贞操誓言。
- In the opera,Shi Kefa was the only hope to the save weaken South Ming Dynasty. 在剧中,南明残破江山能依赖的只有史可法。
- The opinion of naturalists having sound judgement and wide experience seems the only guide to follow. 具有丰富经验和明确判断能力的自然学者的意见,似乎是应遵循的唯一指针。
- To return to Court Leys seemed the only course left to her. 返回莱伊府第似乎是她的唯一出路.
- The train was late and at best I could only hope to be home tomorrow. 火车晚点了,做最乐观的估计,我也只能指望明天到家了。
- Very speedily the intolerant self-sufficiency of the early days of faith, which made the Koran seem the only possible book, was dropped. 早期在宗教信仰方面偏执而狂妄的自信使得《古兰经》变成唯一合适的书籍, 这种自信很快被遗弃。
- The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keep up a wife's spirits. 静居守寡的那种优悠自得的境地,就是使妻子精神振作的唯一希望。
- I have thick curly hair, and it seems the only thing that reliably defines my frizzy curls is a little known product called Dudley’s Fantastic Body Texturizing Setting Lotion. 我有一头厚厚的卷发,并且似乎唯一可靠的塑造我的卷发的是一个不是很有名的产品,叫达德利神奇纤维设置洗液。
- My only hope is to use her note. 我唯一的希望是用她的笔记。
- That was the only thing they could count on. 那是他们唯一依靠的东西。