- It commended the Director General for his comprehensive report and thanked the Secretariat for the presented documents. 该代表团赞赏总干事所作的综合性报告,并感谢秘书处所提供的文件。
- She was also the representative of the director general for pandemic influencer(influenza). 她也是总干事代表,负责流行性感冒。
- It commended the Director General for his leadership and the performance of the Organization during the period under review. 该代表团赞扬总干事的领导才能和本组织在审议所涉期间的效绩。
- Since then he served as Director of International Security and, subsequently, Director General for Defence and Intelligence in the Foreign Office between 2000 and 2004. 2000到2004年间,他历任国际安全事务主任、国防及情报事务总长。
- The Delegation of Sudan congratulated the WIPO Director General for his opening speech and thanked the WIPO Secretariat for its great efforts and excellent documentation. 苏丹代表团对WIPO总干事的开幕词表示祝贺,并对WIPO秘书处做出的巨大努力和提供的出色文件表示感谢。
- The Delegation thanked WIPO and in particular the Director General for the assistance provided to the Congo in respect of strengthening its capacities for professional training. 该代表团感谢WIPO、尤其感谢总干事在增强国家专业培训能力方面向刚果提供的援助。
- The Delegation was thankful to the Director General for spearheading a WIPO country-driven and needs-based strategy focused on providing technical IP assistance to the LDCs while recognizing their socio-economic limitations. 该代表团感谢总干事制定了一个由国家推动的和基于需要的策略,这项策略集中向最不发达国家提供技术上的知识产权援助,同时承认其社会经济局限性。
- Responsible for manpower, equipment and manufacturing cost budget. 负责人员设备以及制造成本预算。
- The Director General shall be appointed for a fixed term of six years. 总干事任期固定,每任6年。
- Mr Walshe was also responsible for the cooperation within the European Union and in 2004 he was seconded as National Expert to the Directorate General for Development at the European Commission. 威尔士先生同时也负责欧盟内部的水资源合作,在2004年他第二次当选为欧洲委员会的发展总理事。
- WTO Director General Paska Nomee Director-General Pascal Lamy says there has been enough for strugglingfoot-dragging. 一个能使交易更加公平化并能带动经济飞速发展的协议。
- Such declaration shall be deposited with the Director General. 该项声明书应递交总干事保存。
- He asked the general for his daughter's hand in marriage. 他请求将军把女儿许配给他。
- FAO Director General Jacques Diouf had said at the start of the conference that the time had come for action. 粮农组织总干事雅克.;迪乌夫表示,解决粮食危机迫在眉睫。
- Meeting with Dr Jack Chow, Assistant Director General, WHO. 会见世界卫生组织助理总干事周启康博士。
- Error: No code generated for this line. 说明:该行无代码产生。
- Those commands are automatically generated for you. 这些命令会自动为您生成。
- The Director General shall be the depositary of this Treaty. 总干事为本条约保存人。
- Uses full generality for pointers to members. 对指向成员的指针使用完全一般性。
- Our Director General and Chief Executive is based in Kathmandu. 我们的总干事和董事长以加德满都为基地。