- The new K-car will be due out within the year. 我们新型的k型车在一年内便可以推出了。
- The new K -car will be due out within the year. 我们新型的k型车在一年内便可以推出了。
- Distribution within the Year 年内分配
- His latest novel has run into three editions within the year. 这一年里,她的最新小说已发行3版了。
- The firm contracted to build the new railway within the year. 这家公司签订合同在年内建成新铁路线。
- This method depends on determining the change in stress distribution within the model when it is turned upside down. 倒置法的依据是在模型倒置时测定模型内应力分布的变化。
- The new product is expected to come out within the year. 新产品年内可望面世
- The study of impendence inversion is implemented to find the sand distribution within the target formation and the vantage reservoir. 为研究目标层段砂体的横向展布情况与储层的有利部位,对该区进行波阻抗反演研究。
- A son was born within the year, and shortly thereafter the couple separated. 同年,两人的孩子降生了,但不久之后两人分开了。
- The enterprise shall implement the principle of distribution according to work. It may also adopt other forms of distribution within the scope prescribed by law. 第十三条企业贯彻按劳分配原则。在法律规定的范围内,企业可以采取其他分配方式。
- Then, the temperature distribution within the structure of the terminal-sensitive submunition was calculated by using the PDE toolbox in MATLAB and the finite element method. 然后,利用MATLAB偏微分工具箱,采用有限元法,对末敏子弹结构内部的温度分布进行了仿真计算。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- An imaging system is described which produces images of the electrical impedance distribution within the body, allowing lung ventilation to be observed. 介绍了一种对人体内电阻抗分布进行成像的医学成像系统,并将其应用于肺通气的观察。
- I fancy the car he uses was made in the year one. 我想他用的汽车是很久以前制造的。
- It was named the best documentary of the year. 它被选为这一年最优秀的文献记录片。
- He said he used this system in the year dot. 他说他很久以前用过这个系统。
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。
- The model of the electrical resistivity distribution within the Bohemian Massif (BM) to crustal and uppermost-mantle depths was derived from a series of magnetotelluric (MT) stations in the Czech and Slovak Republics. 根据捷克和斯洛伐克电磁台站的数据 ,得到波西米亚块体地壳和上地幔的电阻率分布模型。
- Summer is the hottest season of the year. 夏天是一年里最热的季节。
- He get a tax rebate at the end of the year. 他在年底得到了一笔退回的税款。