- Diversity of Life Web Index 生命科学网络索引
- One of the main reasons for it being created was that it had such a diversity of life. 造就这一切的一个主要原因是这里生命形态的多样性。
- Perhaps, too, from such an organization will grow a better appreciation for the unity underlying the diversity of life. 或许,这种结构安排对于生命多样性的一致性,还会产生更为完好的评鉴。
- During his journey the incredible diversity of life in the Early Cretaceous Period is revealed. 从它的旅程当中还可看到种种早期白垩纪的生物。
- This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth. 这已导致地球生物多样性出现了显著且绝大部分是不可逆转的的丧失。
- The diversity of life supported by unlit waters was a big surprise for Antarctic researchers who conducted the survey in the Weddell Sea . 在无光的水下的生命多样性对于在南极威德尔海进行调查的南极考查员来说,是一个很大的惊喜。
- Who can understand the web of life? 谁能弄懂这错综复杂的人生?
- Nevertheless, when life appeared, the evolution of minerals and the diversity of life became entwined. 但是,当生命出现以后,矿物质的变革进化和生命的延续变得错综复杂了。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Rivaling rain forests in diversity of life, coral reefs are at risk from overfishing, pollution, and disease. 拥有着与雨林媲美的生物多样性,珊瑚礁面临着过度捕捞、污染和疾病的威胁。
- Coral reefs whose profusion of life and diversity of ecosystems make them the rainforests of the sea have suffered most of all. 珊瑚礁是海洋中生物最丰富、生态系统最多样的地方,因而被喻为“海洋热带雨林”,但它却是破坏最严峻的地区。
- They are the difference tastes of art, different odor of culture and different senses of civilization. These all show us the diversity of lives. It is the beauty of life. 那就是不同艺术的品味、不同文化的气息以及不同文明的体现。我们从这些多方面的体会,感受到生活的多元。而这就是生命之美。
- The diversity of life supported by unlit waters was a big surprise for Antarctic researchers who conducted the survey in the Weddell Sea (interactive Antarctica map). 这个发现证实终年没有阳光照射的水域也能支持生物多样性,这让南极洲研究者们大为吃惊。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- The IBS has abilities to develop more general theories of the diversity of life, and to conserve biological diversity may well rest on insights from the field of biogeography. 该协会有能力从事生物多样性保护的研究,进一步发展生物多样性理论和生物地理学。
- We talked for hours about the meaning of life. 我们谈人生的意义谈了几个小时。
- Such values are central to our way of life. 这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。
- The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。
- Good books are an enrichment of life. 良好的书藉是使人生变得充实之物。
- We spoke of a diversity of things. 我们谈着各种事物。