- Divided power algebra 除幂代数
- But in Russia, where the notion of a tsar survived the Soviet Union, divided power is usually problematic. 但是在俄国,沙皇的传统观念在苏联之后仍然存在,分开的权力通常是有问题的。
- Among these stimulation measures, many beneficial trials have been made like divided power management, flatting management of organization, creation of management functions and so forth. 在这些激励措施中还体现了分权管理、组织扁平化、管理职能创新等很多激励员工的有益尝试。
- the village governd by divided power. 分权治村
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- Prof. of Algebra: Kiss is two divided by nothing. 代数学教授接吻是不将两者除以任何东西,不将其分割开来。
- Although the Court is appropriately loathe to substitute its policy judgments for those of Congress,it has an obligation to effect the means by which the Constitution divides power within the government and,under the Copyright Clause,within the society. 虽然最高法院不愿意用它的政策判断来替代国会的政策判断,它还是有义务实现宪法在政府内分权的目标,根据著作权条款则是在社会内分权的目标。
- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- Divider power chuck is widely applied for numerical control machine tool, automation special machine, automobile, internal combustion engine, engine, refrigerator valve, heating and ventilation, etc. 等分式动力卡盘广泛使用于数控车床、自动化专机上,应用于汽车、内燃机、发动机、冷冻机阀门、暖通等行业。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- Divider power chuck is widely applied for numerical control machine tool, automation special machine, automobile, internal combustion engine, engine, refrigerator valve, heating ventilation, etc. 等分式动力卡盘广泛使用于数控车床、自动化专机上,应用于汽车、内燃机、发动机、冷冻机阀门、暖通等行业。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- A city divided against itself can't stand. 一个内部分裂的城市不能长久存在。
- He divided his time evenly between work and play. 他把时间一半花在工作上,一半用于娱乐。
- This powerful algebraic structure with its finiteness makes itself a concise and beautiful subject of study in the mathematical world. 这种强有力的代数结构再加上有限性这一条件使它成为数学领域中一种简洁、美妙的研究对象。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- She divided the food into four equal shares. 她把食物分成相同的四份。
- Opinion is divided on the issue of taxes. 关於税捐问题,大家意见分歧。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- The class is divided in opinion. 整个班级意见有分歧。