- Do we pay you or the cashier? 我们把钱付给你还是出纳员?
- A: Yes we did. Do I pay you or the cashier? 甲:是的,我们满意,账付给您还是给收款员?
- highly anticipated 备受期待
- Should I pay you or the cashier? 我付钱给你还是到柜台付呢?
- Do I pay you or the cashier? 是在这儿结账,还是在柜台结账?
- Do we pay together or go dutch ? 你们一起买单还是各自付账?
- How can we pay you back for your great help? 我们要怎么才能报答你的恩惠呢?
- How do we pay business tax in leasing property? 出租业务怎样纳营业税?
- Q: Do we pay karma in our dreams? 问:我们可以在梦中清付业障吗?
- We pay you 600 dollars every two weeks. 我们每两周付你600美元。
- We pay the go rate or the market rate for typist. 我们按现价或市场价支付打字员。
- Rochester: Either you or the hit parade. 罗彻斯特:要不是你,要不就是流行歌曲榜。
- May we pay you back in merchandise coupons? 我们可以退给您商品优待券吗?
- Is it possible that we pay you in Swiss francs? 我们用瑞士法郎付款行不行?
- A: How do we pay our portion of the insurance payment? 我们怎样付自己承担的那部分保费?
- Taxpayer: if we do not involve in management and share the risk,but we receive income or dividends in a proportion or in a solid amount,do we pay tax on it? 纳税人:如果我们不参与管理,只按一定比例或固定数额提取利润或分配房产呐?
- We pay you the same interest rate as a resident here. 我们付给您的利息和付给本地居民储户的利息相同。
- Do you want me to take some magazines for you or the paperbacked book comes ? 要不要我给你拿一些杂志或平装书来?
- Taxpayer: if we do not involve in management and share the risk, but we receive income or dividends in a proportion or in a solid amount, do we pay tax on it? 纳税人:如果我们不参与管理,只按一定比例或固定数额提取利润或分配房产呐?
- Are we beginning again to commend ourselves? Or do we need, as some do, letters of commendation to you or from you? 1我们岂是又开始推荐自己么?岂像有些人,需要给你们荐信,或由你们写荐信么?