- Dodaira Observatory 土平观测所
- The Observatory adapts and runs storm surge models. 天文台利用数值模式来预测风暴潮。
- Does my observatory code move with me? 我的观测站编号是否可以随我移动?
- It at first is an astronomical observatory. 它原先是一个天文台。
- Information courtesy of Hong Kong Observatory. 资料由香港天文台提供;谨此致谢.
- Guy's house was close to the observatory. 盖伊的房子离天文台很近。
- Ibata (Strasbourg Observatory, ULP) et al. 图示版权与提供: R.
- Image credit: AAO-David Malin/Gemini Observatory. NGC 300的大视场图像。
- They visited the observatory yesterday. 他们昨天参观了天文台。
- The observatory was below ground. 天文台位于地下。
- The Observatory produces an annual tide table for Hong Kong. 天文台除每年出版香港潮汐表外,并评估极端风暴潮和海浪出现的机率。
- The stadium lights polluted the sky around the observatory. 体育馆的灯光使得天文台周围的天空不那么宜于观测了。
- They used a telescope at Mount Palomar Observatory near Pasadena. 他们在靠近帕萨迪纳的帕洛慕山天文台使用了一台望远镜。
- Greenwich Park is lovely,but the observatory is really interesting. 格林威治公园很可爱,但天文台真有趣。
- The nearest research observatory should be contacted right away. 应立即通知附近的天文台。
- Mr Lam thanked the Observatory staff for their hard work. 林先生对全体辛勤工作的同事表示衷心的感谢。
- An observatory on the island makes pirates feel well-defended. 岛上有个天文台让海盗们有被保护的良好感觉。
- Sai Kung to build the Interactive Observatory in the Village. 达成协议,在村内兴建天文观测站。
- Please seek help from the web page of our observatory. 请向天文台网页求助。
- Welcome to Mail System of Yunnan Astronomical Observatory! 欢迎进入云南天文台电子邮件系统!