- Does Chinatown have many shop? 唐人街有很多商店吗?
- Another nice food at Klang is seafood, here has many shop famous for their fresh and nice taste of seafood. 但是,后来吵架,他还是故态复萌,同样的重复中。我终于看清楚,这个人,并不是真正的爱我。
- Many shop have bargain sale during the bonus season. 很多商店在发奖金期间,进行大减价销售。
- Auspicious work much shop has many circles or long circle tub, cooperate dinky mesa, very delicate. 吉事多专柜有不少圆形或长圆形盆,配合极小的台面,非常秀气。
- Some old shops in Chinatown have been torn down. 在牛车水,有些旧店已经被拆除。
- We have many skilled seamen on our ship. 我们船上有很多有经验的水手。
- I have many misgivings about taking the job. 我对是否接受那项工作顾虑重重。
- I don't suppose you have much time. 我想你不会有很多时间。
- Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shop. 大部分商店都不再出售用易燃材料做的睡衣了。
- The film on show doesn't have much sparkle on it. 正放映的那部电影沈闷无生气。
- We have many types of cosmetics for sale. 我们有许多种化妆品待售。
- Many old houses in Chinatown have been converted into food shops and restaurants. 牛车水的很多旧房屋都已经改装成食店和餐馆。
- They have many pets, including three cats. 他们有很多宠物,猫就有三只。
- I don't have much conceit of his poems. 我对他的诗作没有什么好评。
- Most sweet things don't have much food value. 大多数甜食都没有什麽营养价值。
- I don't have much know-how about engines. 发动机方面的技术知识我知之甚少。
- I have many facts to chew upon before I make up my mind. 我在作出决定之前有许多情况要加以考虑。
- Does she have much experience of teaching? 她教学经验丰富吗?
- Not many shop windows were lit up last Christmas because of the Government restrictions on the use of electricity. 由于政府限制用电,去年圣诞节几乎没有几家商店的窗户亮着灯。
- His wife had much to do with his bankruptcy. 他的破产和他的妻子很有关系。