- Dong Ethnic group of Guizhou 贵州侗族
- A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran. 法尔西人伊朗主要种族的一员
- A member of the principal ethnic group of Hungary. 马札尔人匈牙利一个主要的少数民族
- The Dong ethnic group also has a legend that says the Dong people didn't know music or dance until their ancestors got them as a grant from the Heaven. 侗族也有传说,过去侗家没有歌唱,没有舞跳。后来到天上讨来歌舞,
- Objective To investigate the skinfold growth and the thickness changes with aging in Chinese Dong ethnic group in Guangxi province. 摘要目的探讨广西侗族体脂发育水平和年龄变化。
- The Bouyei ethnic group in Qiannan Prefecture of Guizhou, who were referred to as "Zhongjia"in ancient time, is famous for the "Zhongjia cloth"and "wax printing". 生活在贵州黔南地区的布依族,古代称作"仲家",并以他们生产的"仲家布"和"蜡染"著称于世,
- Methods The skinfold thickness in four locations of the adults from Chinese Dong ethnic group in Guangxi province were measured and the changing characteristics with aging were also analyzed. 方法测量广西侗族成人4个部位皮脂厚度值,并探讨了皮褶厚度随年龄而变化的特徵。
- The Austronesian language of the principal ethnic group of Java. 爪哇主要少数民族所用的奥斯特罗尼西亚语言。
- And the brocade technique of the Tujia,Zhuang,Dai,Li and Dong ethnic groups has developed from small-scale family workshops to today's brocade mills,whose production scale has been on the increase. 土家、壮、傣、黎、侗等民族的织锦技艺,已从过去的一家一户的小型作业发展到织锦工艺厂,生产规模不断扩大。 %25%24
- And the brocade technique of the Tujia, Zhuang, Dai, Li and Dong ethnic groups has developed from small-scale family workshops to today's brocade mills, whose production scale has been on the increase. 土家、壮、傣、黎、侗等民族的织锦技艺,已从过去的一家一户的小型作业发展到织锦工艺厂,生产规模不断扩大。 %25%24
- Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
- The Hakka dialect is the common language spoken by the Hakkas - a unique ethnic group of Chinese people. 客家是汉民族中的一个独特群体,客家方言是这个群体的最重要特征,也是我们研究客家的历史文化的最重要的依据。
- For instance, "Caigetang", also known as "Duoye"of the Dong ethnic group, 例如:侗族的"踩歌堂"(亦称"多耶"),
- A member of a Tai-speaking people who constitute the predominant ethnic group of Thailand. 操泰语者说泰语的人,构成泰国中主要的民族团体
- A member of the principal ethnic group of modern-day Turkey or,formerly,of the Ottoman Empire. 土耳其族的成员今天的土耳其或以前的奥斯曼帝国的主要种族集团的成员
- A member of the principal ethnic group of modern-day Turkey or, formerly, of the Ottoman Empire. 土耳其族的成员今天的土耳其或以前的奥斯曼帝国的主要种族集团的成员
- He is a member of Guizhou Writers Association. 贵州省作家协会会员。
- Many of the people here were Buryats, an ethnic group of Mongolian descent, and their features were distinctly Asiatic. 这里许多人是布里亚特人,这个族种是蒙古族后裔,相貌很容易辨别出是亚洲人。
- The group of barbaric soldiers killed many people. 那群野蛮的士兵杀了很多人。
- In ethnic groups of southwest China, conventional dance is very popular. 中国西南地区的许多民族盛行习俗性歌舞,