- Download only unread messages 只下载未读的消息
- This action allows you to toggle between the display of only unread messages and the display of all messages. 该操作允许在显示未读消息和显示所有消息之间进行切换。
- The following example retrieves the status when searching for the next message ID (for only unread messages). 以下示例将在搜索下一个邮件ID(仅限未读邮件)时检索状态。
- Show Only unread Messages 仅显示未读消息
- Include unread messages counter on grouping title. 包括未读的讯息计数器在分类标题.
- Is your email inbox always full of read and unread messages? 你的电子邮箱总是挤满了读过和没有读过的邮件吗?
- Views the next unread message folder. 查看下一未读的邮件夹。
- A: The crawler will download only one page at a time from your site (specifically, from your IP address). 爬虫将从你的地点一次下载仅仅一页(明确地,从你的IP地址)。
- There are no more unread messages in this folder. Would you like to go to the next folder with unread messages? 这个文件夹中已没有未读邮件。您想转到下一个含有未读邮件的文件夹吗?
- The first line is lists your account and the number of unread messages you have. Clicking this will take you to your inbox. 第一行列出了你的帐户和未读邮件数,单击会带你到你的收件箱。
- Walks you through the process to mark your satellite assemblies as optional, and download only the assembly a client computer needs for its current culture settings. 引导您完成将附属程序集标记为可选,并且只下载客户端计算机当前区域性设置所需程序集的过程。
- I put myself in the latter group: No matter what time it is, those boldface, unread messages scream out to be read, replied-to, and archived or deleted. 我把自己归为第二类人:不论何时,那些粗体字、未读的邮件“尖叫着”要我去阅读它们、回复、归档或删除。
- To minimize bandwidth and save space on your mobile device, Exchange ActiveSync downloads only a part of large messages. 若要最小化带宽并保存移动设备的空间,Exchange ActiveSync将只下载大型邮件的一部分。
- You can find your unread messages in the Unread Mail folder under Search Folders (Search Folders: Virtual folders that contain views of all e-mail items matching specific search criteria. 可在“导航窗格”中的“搜索文件夹”(搜索文件夹:虚拟文件夹,其中包括满足特定搜索条件的所有电子邮件项的视图。
- Below this is the latest 4 unread messages in your inbox. Clicking any of these will take you directly to the message. 下面列出的是收件箱内最近四封未读邮件。单击其中的一封会带你直接到这封邮件。
- There is ability to snooze or to go directly to the Inbox immediately with highlighting first unread message. 你可以直接进入收件箱,第一条没有被阅读的短信会被设置高亮。
- Scroll down current message. If at end of current message, go to next unread message. 11往下滚动当前信件。如果遇到了信件尾部,则跳到下一封未读信件。
- What can be easily downloaded only works with a few Scheme systems, and versioning is unclear. 容易下载的那些只能用于少数Scheme系统,而且版本也不清楚。
- Update number of unread messages 更新未读消息的数目
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。