- Downward gaze of eyes 眼下注视
- Her cheeks grew hot beneath the gaze of so many eyes. 在众目睽睽之下, 她的脸红了。
- He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders. 他零零地躺在路边,旁观的人都投以怜悯的目光。
- An owl forced to the gaze of an eagle. 一只猫头鹰被迫强作雄鹰的俯瞰。
- We seldom misbehaved under the hawk-eyed gaze of our teacher. 在老师目光税利如鹰的注视下,我们总是很规矩。
- The truthful will stand in the gaze of death and escape unharmed. 真实能让人挺立在死亡的凝视下并全身而退。
- I think that a pigment of eyes does not change. 认为眼的色素不变化的事。
- Beautiful gleam of eyes forever? 美丽的眼神能永恒吗?
- Another peculiar torture was felt in the gaze of a new eye. 此外,一双陌生的眼睛的凝视也会让她感到特别难过。
- Ben draws a pair of eyes for him. 小本给它画上一双眼睛。
- What do you think of a GOOD pair of eyes'? 你对一双‘好’眼睛怎么理解?
- Though love is blind, it's not for want of eyes. 虽然爱是盲目的,但它并不需要眼睛。
- Millions of eyes can see Yet why am I so blind. 千万的人都能够看见,为何我却是这样昏盲。
- I said you had a nice pair of eyes. 我说你有一双漂亮的眼睛。
- Recolor of eyes and makeup is welcome. 本站眼睛和化妆品可以改色。
- Can force of eye laser backsight drop? 眼睛激光后视力会下降吗?
- It's a gaze of day and night, and a hopeless wait forever. 这日夜的凝望,却是无望的永恒等待。
- But under the steady gaze of the Lord he followed his instruction. 但是在主凝视的目光之下,他听从了主的指示。
- Time elapses quickly in even a blink of eye. 除了第一首是自动的其他的都是手动哦!
- He questioned her with his eyes,but the firm and steady gaze of the young girl controlled his look. 他在用眼睛询问她,但年轻姑娘以坚决而镇定的目光控制住了他。