- Drinking Alone With The Moon 月下独酌
- The moon is in opposition with the sun. 月亮在望点。
- You can compare the moon with the earth. 你可以将月球与地球比较。
- Shall I your beauties with the moon compare? 俺能把您的美丽比作月亮莫?
- The moon is in conjunction with the sun. 月亮与太阳处在合点。
- And with the river's rise the moon uprises bright. 海上明月共潮生(张若虚《春江花月夜》)。
- The Sun sank,I will rise with the moon. 太阳沉了.;我与月亮一同升起
- Did Stanley Kubrick fake it with the moon? 难道你以为史丹利库柏力克联合月球一起欺骗我们?
- But she wasn't about to sit alone with the kids back in Amman, either. 但 她 也 不 会 回 安 曼 与 孩 子 们 独 处 。
- Nevertheless, it is true that he did not wish to be alone with the thing. 然而,说实在的他也不希望和这东西单独相对。
- The colonel, left alone with his lover, made haste to take the word. 上校和他的情人单独在一起了,就赶紧说起话来。
- The moon with the Rebel base will be in range in thirty minutes. 叛军基地所在的卫星,将在30分钟内进入射程
- I wish I could be a snowflake, gently come and go with the moon. 我希望自己是片松软的雪花,伴着月光悄然来去。
- A woman that has Mars with the Moon is right; I'll warrant her. 女性命盘中,如火星合了月亮,那么我担保她是正派的。
- With the moon up in the sky, we could see the road clearly. 皓月当空,我们能看清道路。
- Miss Ingram, as usual, was first, and spent fifteen minutes alone with the old woman in the library. 和往常一样,英格姆小姐捷足先登,和老妇在书房里待了一刻钟。
- Like three figures are the moon and I with the shadow. 对影成三人。
- But we, who live indoors, have lost contact with the moon. 然而,久惯深居的我们已然失去了与月的联系。
- I wish I could be a snowflake, gently come and go with the moon... 我希望自己是片松软的雪花,伴着月光悄然来去......
- Princess Lenore said: "It is the same with the moon. 丽诺儿公主说:“这和月亮是一样的。