- Drug Law Enforcement Agencies 药品法执行局
- NB: The satellites are not available to law enforcement agencies. 注:卫星是不被法律执行机构所有。
- The thermal imagers will be used by the soldiers and airmen of ground reconnaissance units assigned to help law enforcement agencies observe and detect illegal drug activity. 地面侦察士兵和飞行人员使用终端成像器,可以帮助执法机关发现并探测非法的毒品交易。
- Chief's Counsel: Should Law Enforcement Agencies Apologize for Mistakes? 首席律师:执法机关应当道歉?
- With a court-issued warrant law enforcement agencies could then get the keys from the escrow agents to decrypt suspect messages. 而后,利用法院颁发的保证书,法律执行机构能够从保管代理那里得到密钥,对可疑报文进行解密。
- To mete out justice as one sees fit without due recourse to law enforcement agencies or the courts. 随意处罚以某人自己觉得适合的方式给予司法处罚,而不通过正当程序诉诸法律执行机关或法庭
- Too often,he says,financial institutions wait until they have been raided by law enforcement agencies or subpoenaed by the courts. 韦布什先生说,金融机构总是到了被执法机构突袭或收到法庭的传票以后才有所行动。
- Frequent contacts with local and overseas law enforcement agencies and consulates were maintained. Special operations were mounted against forgery syndicates. 该处与本港和海外执法机关及各领事馆经常保持联络,并针对伪造证件集团采取特别行动。
- The division also provides legal advice to law enforcement agencies and other government departments. 该科也向执法机关和政府其他部门提供法律指引。
- Other law enforcement agencies in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region also contribute to this effort. 香港特别行政区其他执法机关也积极参与这方面的工作。
- Unlike law enforcement agencies, however, piracy profiteers play by no rules, and arrests and convictions are few and far between. 然而,靠仿冒牟利的人可不像执法机关那样按牌理出牌,被捕判罪者少之又少。
- The women may also be afraid of law enforcement agencies or be reluctant to send the father of their children to prison. 同时她们也可能害怕执法机构或者不愿意把孩子的父亲送进监狱。
- Law enforcement agencies are beginning to realize that the effect of atmospheric conditions on behaviour cannot be overlooked when dealing with crime. 执法机构正开始意识到在与犯罪活动打交道的过程中,环境条件对行为活动的作用不容忽视。
- Also blamed are reductions in federal money for local law enforcement agencies over the past ten years. 同时也有指责过去十年内地方政府用于司法执行机关的联合资金的不断减少。
- LEAA came into existence in 1968 with a huge budget to assist various U.S. law enforcement agencies. LEAA诞生于1968年,伴随着一个巨额预算,以帮助各种各样的美国法律执行机构。
- Rapid developments with the internet posed great challenges to law enforcement agencies. 互联网的迅速发展为执法人员带来很大的挑战。
- Your graduation today solidifies your acceptance into one of the finest law enforcement agencies in our nation. 今天,妳们的毕业为妳们夯实了进入国内最好的法律行政机构工作的基础。
- The information in the F.B.I. report comes from more than eleven thousand law enforcement agencies. 美国联邦调查局报告中的信息来源于超过11,000家的司法执行机关。
- Drug law enforcement training manual; 禁毒执法培训手册;
- He has trained law enforcement agencies and has testified as an expert witness in casino cheating cases. 他在赌博娱乐场欺诈的事例训练了执法机构和作证作为一个专家证人。