- Drynaria boniin. 团叶槲蕨
- Drynaria bonii Christ 团叶槲蕨
- Objectie: To study the chemical components of Drynaria fortunei. 目的:研究骨碎补的化学成分。
- Objectie: To study the optimum extraction of Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. 目的:研究骨碎补的提取工艺。
- Objective To study the different extraction condition on naringin content in Drynaria extract. 目的考察不同提取条件对骨碎补浸膏中柚皮苷含量的影响。
- Medlar therapeutic use of 10 grams, 15 grams Drynaria, continued off 10 grams, 50 grams yi meters. 骨折病人对饮食没有特殊限制,就是不要吸烟。
- Results The optimal extraction solution for Drynaria extract was water,and the loss of naringin enhan ced with the increase of drying temperature... 结论该研究可为含骨碎补复方制剂的提取工艺、剂型选择和质量标准研究提供参考。
- J.Sm Drynaria propinqua Wall.Ex Mett.Bedd Pseudodrynaria coronans Wall.Ching Davallia divaricata Hay Humata griffithiana Hook.C. 骨碎补 槲蕨 光叶槲蕨 崖姜 大叶骨碎补 杯状盖骨碎补 海州骨碎补 鑑别 Gusuibu Drynaria fortunei kze.
- Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) is a common medicine in department of orthopaedics and traumaology,more researches about it recently,including basic theory,pharmaco and clinical study. 骨碎补为骨伤科常用药物,近年来研究活跃,研究内容包括基础、药理与临床,而且分子生物学机制方面也已起步。本文就骨碎补的最近研究进行概述。
- OBJECTIVE:To optimize the conditions for the extraction and purification of the active components of Epimedium Herb and Drynaria in Gugu sustained-release capsules. 目的:优选固骨缓释胶囊中淫羊藿、骨碎补有效部位提取和分离纯化工艺的最佳条件。
- The spores of the Drynaria roosii Nakaike were cultured in inorganic medium and soil respectively.The spore germination and the gametophyte development were observed by microscope. 用无机培养基和土壤培养基分别培养槲蕨孢子,显微镜下观察记录其孢子萌发及配子体形态发育过程。
- The species recorded on the "Rhizoma Drynariae" item of Chinese Pharmacopeia is the dry rhizoma of Drynaria fortunei from Polypodiacae. 中国药典中骨碎补项下收载的品种为水龙骨科植物槲蕨的干燥根茎。
- Sm. and Drynaria propinqua (Wall.ex Mett.) Bedd. have obvious differences.Conclusion The genuine and confusable rhizoma drynariae can be identified by the above research results. 结果正品槲蕨根茎与混用品光叶槲蕨根茎有明显差别。
- Assemble flavone of rhizome drynaria 骨碎补总黄酮
- Drynaria fortunei(Kunze) J.Smith 槲蕨
- Drynaria propinqua (Wall.) J.Smith 近邻槲蕨
- Methods Two main commodities of rhizoma drynariae were identified comparatively by morphological and histological characters, TLC and HPLC.Results The rhizoma of Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. 方法进行性状、显微、薄层色谱、高效液相色谱法的比较鉴别。
- Influence of drynaria rhizome on culture in vitro of marrow osteoclast in rat 中药骨碎补对大鼠骨髓破骨细胞体外培养的影响
- Senior effect of drynaria rhizome for human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 骨碎补各种提取成分对人骨髓间充质干细胞的影响
- Keywords Verruca plana;Biqing capsule;Transferred factor;Tinctura drynaria; 扁平疣;必清胶囊;转移因子;骨碎补酊;